PREVIEW 2:16 9 Oka no Shi Shizue Sasagawa, Toshio Funakawa, Seimei Sakai, Sonoko Nakada PREVIEW 5:29 10 Kawanakajima (Fushiki Ankizan o Utsu no Zu ni Daisu) Kinjo Yamamoto, Toshio Funakawa, Sonoko Nakada, Akiko Sato, Etsuko Kunishige PREVIEW 1:50 11 Kinshujo Kinjo Yamamoto,...
PREVIEW 2:09 5 Ota Dokan Mino o Karu no Zu ni Daisu Shizue Sasagawa, Toshio Funakawa, Seimei Sakai, Sonoko Nakada PREVIEW 3:04 6 Genji no Ansei ni Tsukaisuru o Okuru Shizue Sasagawa, Toshio Funakawa, Seimei Sakai, Sonoko Nakada PREVIEW 3:07 7 Fukyo Yahaku Shizue Sasagawa...
Japanese scholars and intellectuals, enamoured with the Chinese idea that calligraphy and painting were accomplishments suited to a literate and moral person studied Confucian texts , literature, poetry and practised calligraphy and painting. Such art was termed *nanga 南画 or *bunjinga 文人画 and wa...
After interviewing Basil Twist about his journey to the creation of screen-centric Japanese folk puppetry,Dogugaeshi –meaning “flipping mechanics”, I went to see the show. It was hypnotic. (Click to read the interview.) A muslin-like curtain across the 3’x10’ stage is hand drawn by ...
2020-03-05 The meaning of life according to Simone de Beauvoir - Iseult Gillespi 05:11 2020-03-11 How one scientist took on the chemical industry - Mark Lytle 05:23 2020-03-12 How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis - Gerry Wright 06:23 2020-03-13 The imaginary king who ...
2020-03-05 The meaning of life according to Simone de Beauvoir - Iseult Gillespi 05:11 2020-03-11 How one scientist took on the chemical industry - Mark Lytle 05:23 2020-03-12 How can we solve the antibiotic resistance crisis - Gerry Wright 06:23 2020-03-13 The imaginary king who ...
Copied from aJapanese website. On the side of thefull pagethe text says, "新刊全相平話武王伐紂書卷下 Newly printed and fully illustrated popular edition of Wu Wang Attacks Zhou (Xin), Last Folio" (library referenceforWu Wang Fa Zhou Shu; The originalWu Wang Fa Zhou Shuappar...
With the Poetry, there is the intention of the ones who made the poems, and there is also the intention of those who collected the poems and who edited the poems. There is the meaning of those who explain the poems, and there is also the meaning of those who recited the poems and qu...
在Apple Music 上收听笹川鎮江/山元錦城的《Ginei(Shigin) - The Singing of Japanese Traditional Poetry》。2013年。21 首歌曲。时长:58 分钟
to use (an animal or servant) working (animal) (beast) of burden causative form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc) 难经Trad.難經 nán jīng Canon of difficult questions, medical text, c. first century AD abbr. for 黃帝八十一難經|黄帝八十一难经[Huáng dì bā shí yī...