Sherry Turkle studies how technology is shaping our modern relationships: with others, with ourselves, with it.
Sherry Turkle studies how technology is shaping our modern relationships: with others, with ourselves, with it. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of...
第一篇:TED Sherry Turkle Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? (1)a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck.Her text said, “Mom, you will rock.” I love this.Getting that text was like getting a hug.And so there you have it.I embody the central paradox.I'm a wo...
今天TED播出了MIT教授Sherry Turkle的视频“Connected, but alone” 谈的主要是《Alone Together》中的核心观点:技术时代,我们随时连在网上,以获取存在感,却没有真实的交流;我们如此寂寞...
17《TED演讲集:敬畏网络》Rebecca MacKinnon:让我们收回互联网 - 1 07:25 18《TED演讲集:敬畏网络》Rebecca MacKinnon:让我们收回互联网 - 3 07:24 19《TED演讲集:敬畏网络》Sherry Turkle:保持联系却仍旧孤单 - 1 09:52 20《TED演讲集:敬畏网络》Sherry Turkle:保持联系却仍旧孤单 - 3 09:51 21《TED演讲...
Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? | Talk Video | TED.comAs we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication — and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of...
Sherry Turkle TEDIn those heady days, we were experimenting with chat rooms and online virtual communities. We were exploring different aspects of ourselves. And then we unplugged. I was excited. And as a psychologist, what excited me most, was the ides, that we would use what we learned ...
课程详情 我们对技术的期待越来越多,同时,我们对彼此的期待却越来越少了? 电子产品和网络角色似乎正重新定义着人们的沟通和交流,Sherry Turkle致力于研究这种影响,并引发这样的深刻思考:我们究竟需要怎样的沟通方式。 相关课程 TED科技_SherryTurkle_保持联系却仍旧孤单; ...
SherryTurkle_2012[保持联系却仍旧孤单] 1703 播放 洞见历史 述古道今,中外古今人事与古史杂谈 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 选集(64) 自动播放 [1] NirmalyaKumar_201... 2.2万播放 15:09 [2] PamWarhurst_2012S... 4733播放 13:17 [3] PankajGhemawat_20... ...
Yesterday, TED2012 speaker Sherry Turkle held a 1-hour Live Conversation around her new TEDTalk “Connected but alone?” She asked the community this question: “How has digital technology changed the kind of communications you have with your friends, family and coworkers?” Here are ...