Sherry Turkle studies how technology is shaping our modern relationships: with others, with ourselves, with it. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. Read our curation guidelines. Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of...
when I gave my first TEDTalk, Rebecca was five years old and she was sitting right there in the front row. I had just written a book that celebrated our life on the internet and I was about to be on the cover of Wired magazine. ...
Sherry Turkle’s TED talk 19:48 Sherry Turkle Connected, but alone? PostedApr 2012
电子产品和网络 角色似乎正重新定义着人们的沟通和交流,Sherry Turkle 致力于研究这种影响,并引 发这样的深刻思考:我们究竟需要怎样的沟通方式。(演讲稿:关注“英语口语屋”更多精彩内容) LTalk英语视频的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 7 1 ñ14 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,...
演说者:Sherry Turkle 演说题目:Connected, but alone?远离你身边低层次的圈子 Just a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck. Her text said, "Mom, you will rock." I love this. Getting that text was like getting a hug. And so there you have it. I embody the central par...
演讲者:Sherry Turkle Sherry Turkle studies how technology is shaping our modern relationships: with others, with ourselves, with it. 59:18 【TED 2012】为什么我们保持联系却依然孤单? 35666 视频TED演讲百科 Just a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck. Her text said, "Mom, yo...
在这一期的TED演讲中,Sherry Turkle提到:我们需要对现在我们所拥有的新的联系方式进行深思。 向上滑动查看字幕 Just a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck. Her text said, "Mom, you will rock." I love this. Getting that text was like getting a hug. And so there you have ...
演说者:Sherry Turkle演说题目:Connected, but alone?远离你身边低层次的圈子 远离你身边低层次的圈子 来自TED英语演说优选00:0019:45 中英文对照翻译 Just a moment ago, my daughter Rebecca texted me for good luck. Her text said, 'Mom, you will rock.' I love this. Getting that text was like get...
至少坚持五年,到那时候,你可以盘点并决定是否需要做一些完全实用、职业主义、传统上“明智”的事情。但是,你要先给自己一个跟随自己内心的机会。最好的事业是由拥有广泛经验的人建立的。如果你的生活是由很多碎片组成的,也不必担心。随着时间的流逝,它们会逐渐变成如钻石的切面般璀璨夺目。——Sherry Turkle...
Yesterday, TED2012 speaker Sherry Turkle held a 1-hour Live Conversation around her new TEDTalk “Connected but alone?” She asked the community this question: “How has digital technology changed the kind of communications you have with your friends, family and coworkers?” Here are ...