shelunshelun的同音词,近音词及组词语有:设论、社论.shelun中文含义解释:下表包含 shelun 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“shelun组词语” 2 个 设论 shè lùn ⒈ 文体名。假设问答以阐明意旨者。如《文选》有设论三篇:汉东方朔《答客难》、扬雄《解嘲》、班固《答宾戏》。[查看详情] ...
1) She Lun 设论 1. Between“Dao” and “Shi”:Discussion on “She Lun” During Han Dynasty; “道”、“势”之间:试论两汉设论文 2) design theory 设计理论 1. Analysis ondesign theoryof deformation-control pile foundation; 变形控制桩基础设计理论浅析 ...
网络雪伦 网络释义 1. 雪伦 帮我取个英文名 我12岁 读6年级 女... ... shelin 雪淋shelun雪伦•Kathy、Kathie 凯茜 ...|基于 1 个网页
1) Shelun School 摄论师1. Zhen Di (499-569) who was born in Liang Dynasty of South and North Dynasties is one of the four translators in the Chinese Buddhist history, one of the three translators who transmit the Buddhist school of "Consciousness" and also the founder of Shelun School...
1) xiɑngcun jiɑnshelun 乡村建设论例句>> 2) theory of rural construction 乡村建设理论 1. Liang Shuming s theory of rural construction and rural harmony; 梁漱溟的乡村建设理论与农村和谐 2. Liang Shuming s theory of rural construction is the theory of New Confucian school which is in ...
1) Brief Comments on Han Dynasty s Shelun 汉代设论文简议2) English and Chinese argumentative writings 英汉议论文 1. This paper intends to examine the thematic progression models in English and Chinese argumentative writings. 旨在对比英汉议论文体主位推进模式。 更多例句>> ...
发表社论[fa biao she lun,] 英语字典:发(fa,fa,)表(biao,)社(she,)论(lun,) “ 发表社论 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 fa biao she lun carry an editorial “ 发表社论 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] (3)[日语词典] ...
Temui profil catur dalam talian sheluntp di Lihat taraf catur mereka, ikuti permainan-permainan terbaik mereka, dan cabar mereka untuk bermain permainan.
10纸的发明1.给加点字选择正确的读音,用“√”画出来。携带(xiexue )保存(cunchun )制作(zi zhi))社会(shese )蔡伦(lunlun 欧洲(ouqu2.描一描,写一写。生3.给下列多音字注音并组词。)))鲜便切累)))4写出下列词语的反义词。笨重——()粗糙——()便宜——()伟大——)5.读句子,借助字典了解加点词...
给下列生字注音。创(chuang)携( xié)存( cun)制( zhi)蔡(cai)伦(lun )欧(ou )洲( zhou)社(she)