shell脚本判断文件是否存在 #Shell脚本Hadoop判断文件是否存在在Hadoop集群中,判断文件是否存在是一个常见的操作。可以使用Shell脚本来实现这一功能,通过使用Hadoop的命令行工具和一些Shell脚本语法,可以轻松地完成这个任务。 ## 1. Hadoop命令行工具 Hadoop提供了一系列的命令行工具,用于操作HDFS(Hadoop分布式文件系统)。其...
Bash Script – Check If File is Empty or Not With the -s Option touch/tmp/f1echo"data">/tmp/f2ls-l /tmp/f{1,2} [ -s /tmp/f1 ]echo$?# output is 1[ -s /tmp/f2 ]echo$?# out put is 0# -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zero
在Ansible中,可以使用if else语句来根据条件执行不同的操作。而在执行这些操作时,可以使用shell脚本来实现。 具体使用Ansible if else结构的示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Check if a file exists stat: path: /path/to/file register: file_stat - ...
# Check if either a directory or file exists # location=$HOME file_name="sentinel" # if [ -e $location ] #检查-e比较来判断用户是否有$HOME目录 then #如果有HOME目录,状态码0,执行 echo "OK on the $location directory." echo "Now checking on the file, $file_name." # if [ -e $loc...
Script Usage In a script, you would typically use it in an if statement. To negate and check if the folder or file doesnotexist, use either "!" or "-not", and remember to enclose the Test-Path statement in parentheses. Also remember that if the path or folder name contains a space,...
#if[ -x]thenecho"You can run the script:"elseecho"Sorry,You are unable to execute the script"]fi 执行该脚本,结果如下: 2.8 检查所属关系 -O比较可以测试出你是否是文件的属主 #!/bin/bash #checkfileownership #if[ -O /etc/passwd]thenecho"You are the owner of the /etc/passw...
scriptDir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # Check if the symmetric key file exists in the same directory symmetricKeyPath="$scriptDir/.sim.key" if [ ! -f "$symmetricKeyPath" ]; then echo "SymmetricKey file was not found in the same directory as the scrip...
* 13 * * * 4 python3 /home/jovyan/work/梦楠的数据需求_周统计/ >> /home/jovyan/work/梦楠的数据需求_周统计/mengnan_data.log 0 6 1 * * sh /opt/edw/edw_batch/script/hive/dwd/ >> /home/edw/log/overdue_num_monthly_run.log 2>&1 ...
If File exists then copy it script powershell If is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet? if not contains If statement based on day of the week evaluating despite being false If Test-Connection do these action else exit. If variable is null or empty skip in script If with multiple c...
-fFILETrueiffileexistsandisa regularfile. -gFILETrueiffileisset-group-id. -hFILETrueiffileisa symbolic link. -LFILETrueiffileisa symbolic link. -kFILETrueiffilehas its `sticky'bitset. -pFILETrueiffileisa named pipe. -rFILETrueiffileisreadable by you. ...