if [ -s file ] 如果文件存在且非空 if [ -r file ] 如果文件存在且可读 if [ -w file ] 如果文件存在且可写 if [ -x file ] 如果文件存在且可执行 脚本使用判断 ##检测文件夹是否存在,不存在就创建,存在就跳过 check_file_is_exists(){ if [ ! -d $1 ] ;then ##加上-p防止多层目录创建...
You can also use the Exists() method from the .NET System.IO.Directory class, which requires a full path: PS E:\temp> [System.IO.Directory]::Exists('E:\temp\') True PS E:\temp> [System.IO.Directory]::Exists('E:\temp') True If you want to check if the directory the script/p...
# Check if either a directory or file exists # item_name=$HOME echo echo "The item being checked: $item_name" echo # if [ -e $item_name ] #-e 检测是否存在$HOME then #存在返回状态码0,执行then echo "The item, $item_name, does exist." echo "But is it a file?" echo # if ...
bash check_file_exists"/path/to/file"result=$?if[$result-eq0];then echo"操作成功"elseecho"操作失败,错误代码:$result"fi 最佳实践 明确定义成功和错误代码:为成功和各种错误条件明确定义返回代码。 使用描述性错误代码:使用不同的非零值来区分不同类型的错误。 在文档中记录返回代码:在脚本或函数的文档中...
-fFILETrueiffileexistsandisa regularfile. -gFILETrueiffileisset-group-id. -hFILETrueiffileisa symbolic link. -LFILETrueiffileisa symbolic link. -kFILETrueiffilehas its `sticky'bitset. -pFILETrueiffileisa named pipe. -rFILETrueiffileisreadable by you. ...
在Ansible中,可以使用if else语句来根据条件执行不同的操作。而在执行这些操作时,可以使用shell脚本来实现。 具体使用Ansible if else结构的示例代码如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 - name: Example playbook hosts: all tasks: - name: Check if a file exists stat: path: /path/to/file register: file_stat - ...
Bash Script – Check If File is Empty or Not With the -s Option touch/tmp/f1echo"data">/tmp/f2ls-l /tmp/f{1,2} [ -s /tmp/f1 ]echo$?# output is 1[ -s /tmp/f2 ]echo$?# out put is 0# -s FILE FILE exists and has a size greater than zerohttps://www.computerhope.com...
check for files that have offline attribute and set it them to archive Check if .txt file is empty Check if a process is running check if a process or service is hanging/not responding? Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists,...
swap file "*.swp" already exists! [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort: 原因: 使用vim编辑文件实际是先copy一份临时文件并映射到内存给你编辑, 编辑的是临时文件, 当执行:w后才保存临时文件到原文件,执行:q后才删除临时文件。
1.1.3.检查文件 第一个例子检查一个文件是否存在: anny ~> cat msgcheck.sh #!/bin/bash echo "This scripts checks the existence of the messages file." echo "Checking..." if [ -f /var/log/messages ] then echo "/var/log/messages exists." fi echo echo "...done." anny ~> ./msgche...