Shell completes sale of SPDC to focus its portfolio in Nigeria on Deepwater and Integrated Gas positions March 13, 2025 Shell plc announces changes to the Executive Committee March 4, 2025 Advance notice of 1ˢᵗ quarter 2025 results and 1ˢᵗ quarter 2025 interim dividend announcement ...
1. 然后输入list命令报错,这里尝试了非常多的方式,查看配置、重装Hbase等等,折腾了很久 最后在一篇博客中找到了一个可能的原因: 他Hbase的日志打印是这样的,并且他说删除了Hbase的这个slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.ja包,重启以后就可以用了 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/home/xy/Downloads/hadoop-3.3.0/sh...
0 row(s) in 1.2820 seconds 列出所有表 hbase(main):022:0> list TABLE table test 2 row(s) in 0.0240 seconds => ["table", "test"] 7.查询表是否存在 hbase(main):023:0> exists 'stu' Table stu does not exist 0 row(s) in 0.0380 seconds hbase(main):024:0> exists 'table' Table...
// Set system env// TODO 在这里是设置默认的,其实也是可以设置为 /opt/dolphinscheduler/bin/env/dolphinscheduler_env.shif(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(ShellUtils.ENV_SOURCE_LIST)) {// TODO 这里其实就是向 systemEnvs 中加入ENV_SOURCE_LIST中配置的环境文件的列表ShellUtils.ENV_SOURCE_LIST.forEach(iShell...
ACL是 Access Control List 的缩写,主要的目的是在提供传统的owner,group,others的read,write,execute权限之外的细部权限设定。 ACL可以针对单一使用者,单一文件或目录来进行r,w,x的权限规范,对于需要特殊权限的使用状况非常有帮助。 ACL 主要可以针对以下方面来控制权限: 使用者 (user):可以针对使用者来设定权限; ...
usingDependency.Library;publicstaticclassProgram{publicstaticList<int>GetNumbers(intlimit){varlist =newList<int>();for(inti =0; i < limit; i++) {if(i >=20) {// Dependency.Library is only referenced within// the UseDependencyApi() method,// so will only be loaded when limit >= 20Us...
[root@localhost ~]#echo ${list1[@]} 1 2 3 4 5 找到最大值: 冒泡 #!/bin/bash a=(100 120 180 90 110) l=${#a[@]} #将数组的长度 赋值给 l 数组的总长度为5 for ((i=1;i<$l;i++)) do for ((j=0;j<$l-1;j++)) ...
and append them to the history list -p perform history expansion on each ARG and display the result without storing it in the history list -s append the ARGs to the history list as a single entry If FILENAME is given, it is used as the history file. Otherwise, ...
(also called package providers) that unifies Windows package management with a single Windows PowerShell interface. With PackageManagement, you candothe following. - Manage a list of software repositoriesinwhich packages can be searched, acquired and installed - Discover software packages - Seamlessly...
List of devices attached 设备/模拟器未连接到 adb 或无响应。 List of devices attachedcf264b8f offline USB 连接 通过USB 连接来正常使用 adb 需要保证几点: 硬件状态正常。 包括Android 设备处于正常开机状态,USB 连接线和各种接口完好。 Android 设备的开发者选项和 USB 调试模式已开启。