#!/bin/bash# This script iterates over a listofservices and # is used to determine whether they are running or not.if[-f myservices.txt];thenforservicein$(cat myservices.txt);dosystemctl status $service|grep--quiet"running"if[$?-eq0];then echo $service"is [ACTIVE]"elseecho $servic...
Shell Global Home Who we are What we do Sustainability News and insights Business customers Investors Careers at Shell Shell plc outlined to investors the next steps in its strategy to deliver more value with less emissions. Read more The 2025 Energy Security Scenarios ...
命令: adb shell pm list packages -s 第三方应用 命令: adb shell pm list packages -3 包名包含某字符串的应用 比如要查看包名包含字符串mazhuang的应用列表,命令: adb shell pm list packages mazhuang 当然也可以使用 grep 来过滤: adb shell pm list packages | grep mazhuang 安装APK 命令格式: adb i...
NOT:grep -v 'pattern1' filename -E或--extended-regexp:将查找模式解释成扩展的正则表达式,相当于egrep -o
and append them to the history list -p perform history expansion on each ARG and display the result without storing it in the history list -s append the ARGs to the history list as a single entry If FILENAME is given, it is used as the history file. Otherwise, ...
ACL是 Access Control List 的缩写,主要的目的是在提供传统的owner,group,others的read,write,execute权限之外的细部权限设定。 ACL可以针对单一使用者,单一文件或目录来进行r,w,x的权限规范,对于需要特殊权限的使用状况非常有帮助。 ACL 主要可以针对以下方面来控制权限: 使用者 (user):可以针对使用者来设定权限; ...
If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_ environment variable is used, which must be an absolute path. devices - list all connected devices device commands: adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device adb pull <remote> <local> - copy file/dir from device ...
usingDependency.Library;publicstaticclassProgram{publicstaticList<int>GetNumbers(intlimit){varlist =newList<int>();for(inti =0; i < limit; i++) {if(i >=20) {// Dependency.Library is only referenced within// the UseDependencyApi() method,// so will only be loaded when limit >= 20Us...
// Set system env// TODO 在这里是设置默认的,其实也是可以设置为 /opt/dolphinscheduler/bin/env/dolphinscheduler_env.shif(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(ShellUtils.ENV_SOURCE_LIST)) {// TODO 这里其实就是向 systemEnvs 中加入ENV_SOURCE_LIST中配置的环境文件的列表ShellUtils.ENV_SOURCE_LIST.forEach(iShell...
trap[[<error type>]] {<statement list>} 語句trap包含終止錯誤發生時要執行的語句清單。trap語句包含trap關鍵詞,選擇性地後面接著類型表達式,以及語句區塊,其中包含在截獲錯誤時要執行的語句清單。 型別表達式會精簡所攔截的錯誤trap類型。 腳本或命令可以有多個trap語句。trap語句可以出現在腳本或命令中的任何位置...