ACL是 Access Control List 的缩写,主要的目的是在提供传统的owner,group,others的read,write,execute权限之外的细部权限设定。 ACL可以针对单一使用者,单一文件或目录来进行r,w,x的权限规范,对于需要特殊权限的使用状况非常有帮助。 ACL 主要可以针对以下方面来控制权限: 使用者 (user):可以针对使用者来设定权限; ...
上面例子中,只有cat命令执行成功,才会继续执行ls命令。如果cat执行失败(比如不存在文件flielist.txt),那么ls命令就不会执行。 $ mkdir foo || mkdir bar 上面例子中,只有mkdir foo命令执行失败(比如foo目录已经存在),才会继续执行mkdir bar命令。如果mkdir foo命令执行成功,就不会创建bar目录了。 type 命令 Bash ...
【bash】使用curl下载文件 1、命令帮助 -> % curl --help Usage: curl [options...]<url>Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only--anyauth Pick"any"authentication method (H)-a, --append Append to targetfilewhen uploading (F/SFTP)--basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H)...
19 - that will run for a while. But call up another power shell window and confirm you have wsl version 2 installed. I tried these two commands : “ "wsl --list --verbose" and "wsl -l -v" HERE is where I started getting “** -bash: wsl: command not found **” Hyper-V...
Progress bars Get the list of functions in a script Bypass shell aliases Bypass shell functions Run a command in the backgroundAFTERWORDFOREWORDA collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes and programs. The bash scripting language is more powerful than people realise and most tasks ...
Anaconda version: 1.8.7 Operating System: 16.04 LTS OUTPUT: bash: activate: No such file or directory george@GS:~$ conda env list conda: command not found This is from the base(root) environment/Environments/Open Terminal It worked fine ...
When installing on Mint your apt sources will be trying to use the Mint name(Ulyana) and not the Ubuntu name ROS uses(Focal). To fix this you can simply edit your ros apt listing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list. If you don't want to append manually you can run sudo ...
I've tried using ${snList[@]} in the loop as well, same result, it behaves like a match was found immediately, without even asking for a scan (indicating that the content of the while loop is not being executed). Any help will be immensely appreciated, I thin...
(CU) development cycle, the WSL engineering team implemented hundreds of fixes and improvements, most of which were catalogued in theWSL release notes. While we highlighted some of the more visible features of Console & WSL in ourCommand-Line Blog, we thought a consolidated list of t...
If it matters: tab completion works, but I am not sourcing anything in my .bashrc. It just started working after installing the package. UPDATE: After checking the version of bash completion I have installed as @fduff suggested I saw the following: $ yum list installed | grep completion ba...