最近在使用 Dockerfile 启动容器,发现使用Dockerfile调用容器里面的shell,当shell执行完成以后,docker会退出容器。 回到顶部 分析 Docker 在执行shell的时候,是在后台执行的;因此,在shell执行完成以后,docker检测到没有前台任务需要执行,便退出container. 回到顶部 解决方法 在shell脚本的最后加上一个“永远完成不了”的...
nerdctl构建镜像和docker build类似,docker构建自定义镜像可以查看博客《构建自定义镜像并优化dockerfile文件》 注意:使用nerdctl构建镜像需要提前安装buildkit 配置Dockerfile文件,此Dockerfile文件的意思是构建一个可以ssh的centos镜像,Dockerfile文件的具体解释请查看博客《构建自定义镜像并优化dockerfile文件》 [root@k8sworker...
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/azure-powershell:mariner-2 Run the azure-powershell container in interactive mode: 控制台 docker run -it mcr.microsoft.com/azure-powershell:mariner-2 pwsh For Windows Docker hosts, you must enable Docker file sharing to allow local drives on Windows to be shared...
,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保主机已经安装了Docker,并且Docker服务已经启动。 2. 创建一个包含所需Powershell脚本的Docker镜像。可以使用Dockerfile...
1.4.准备docker.service 系统配置文件 docker.service [Unit] Description=Docker Application Container Engine Documentation=https://docs.docker.com After=network-online.target firewalld.service Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=notify # the default is not to use systemd for cgroups because the ...
The nearest equivalent of SSHing into a Docker container is todocker exec -it <container name or UUID> bash(you may have to specify a different shell or a complete path ifbashis not in your path). However, you can run any executable in the container. ...
Local installation: To run commands directly from your terminal, install Azure PowerShell on your local machine. Docker container: Run Azure PowerShell in a Docker container.AuthenticationAzure PowerShell supports several authentication methods. For detailed information about authenticating to Azure from th...
Simple command for running shell commands in a docker container started by docker compose. Install Run gem install dce. If you only want to install it for your own user, use the --user-install flag. Usage Usage: dce [OPTIONS]... COMMAND Runs COMMAND in docker compose container. On first...
如果指定的程序只是一个短暂的任务,比如 echo sorry。那么,sorry,container 在输出 “sorry” 之后,就退出了。可以通过 docker inspect 看到,container 状态变成了 Exited。 docker build Dockerfile后,采用docker run –name xxx -d 运行容器,发现start.sh执行后容器就退出了,根本无法启动nginx和php。
Recommended minimum of 16 GB memory (more is better for running multiple containers simultaneously). For Hyper-V: More memory is recommended as the whole OS runs inside the Docker container VMs. A 64-bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT). ...