nerdctl构建镜像和docker build类似,docker构建自定义镜像可以查看博客《构建自定义镜像并优化dockerfile文件》 注意:使用nerdctl构建镜像需要提前安装buildkit 配置Dockerfile文件,此Dockerfile文件的意思是构建一个可以ssh的centos镜像,Dockerfile文件的具体解释请查看博客《构建自定义镜像并优化dockerfile文件》 [root@k8sworker...
docker pull Run the azure-powershell container in interactive mode: 控制台 docker run -it pwsh For Windows Docker hosts, you must enable Docker file sharing to allow local drives on Windows to be shared...
container 刚起来的时候,用户可以通过 dockerfile 中的 CMD,ENTRYPOINT,或者直接在 docker run 后面接 comand,来指定 container 启动时执行的程序。如果指定的程序只是一个短暂的任务,比如 echo sorry。那么,sorry,container 在输出 “sorry” 之后,就退出了。可以通过 docker inspect 看到,container 状态变成了 Exited。
运行Docker容器,并在容器中执行Powershell脚本。执行以下命令: 代码语言:bash 复制 dockerrun-it--rmmyimage powershell C:\script.ps1 上述命令将在myimage镜像的新容器中启动一个交互式会话,并执行容器内的C:\script.ps1脚本。 这样,就可以从主机的Powershell脚本中运行Docker容器中的Powershell脚本了。
Windows Docker Files and Images License: By requesting and using the Container OS Image for Windows containers, you acknowledge, understand, and consent to the Supplemental License Terms available onMicrosoft Artifact Registry. Please visit ourabout_Telemetrytopic to read details about telemetry gathered ...
Local installation: To run commands directly from your terminal, install Azure PowerShell on your local machine. Docker container: Run Azure PowerShell in a Docker container.AuthenticationAzure PowerShell supports several authentication methods. For detailed information about authenticating to Azure from th...
在 React 中,一些 HTML 元素,比如 input 和 textarea,具有 onChange 事件。onChange 事件是一个非常...
docker exec -it containerid-here bash To exec in as root user: docker exec -it --user=root containerid-here bash Once inside, you can do whatever you need. Of course, if your image has a different shell, you can specify it instead of bash.madhu...
Simple command for running shell commands in a docker container started by docker compose. Install Run gem install dce. If you only want to install it for your own user, use the --user-install flag. Usage Usage: dce [OPTIONS]... COMMAND Runs COMMAND in docker compose container. On first...
docker-ce x86_64 18.03.1.ce-1.el7.centos docker-ce-stable 35 M 为依赖而安装: container-selinux noarch 2:2.99-1.el7_6 extras 39 k pigz x86_64 2.3.3-1.el7.centos extras 68 k 为依赖而更新: libselinux x86_64 2.5-14.1.el7 base 162 k ...