This work presents the results of comparative tests for the determination of Young's modulus and the static shear strength of adhesive lap joints, based on grade 316L steel. The tests also concerned the determination of the glass transition temperature of a certain adhesive composition: Epidian 57...
Vacuum brazing of Inconel 625 with BNi-2 filler metal resulted in the distribution of needle-like Cr–Mo rich borides, granular Cr-rich borides, and grain boundary-like precipitates of Ag-rich borides in the DAZ of the joints. The elastic modulus of the DAZ is greater than that of the...
(with the shear modulus)strain hardening rateΘl/μ, is typically in the range of 2–5 × 10−4. In comparison,crystals C19–22, 23, 29 are very close to high symmetry orientations where the resolved shear stress is large on several intersecting slip planes. As a result, crystals in...
As illustrated in Figure 1, the plane of a tensile or compressive stress lies perpendicular to the axis of operation of the force from which it originates. The plane of a shear stress lies in the plane of the force system from which it originates. It is essential to keep these difference...
Although Young’s modulus of the trabecular tissue is determined experimentally in many studies, its strength is rarely reported. In one of the few experimental studies in which trabecular tissue yield strength is measured using four-point bending tests, a static strength of about 160 MPa is repor...
The equation gives the width of a stacking fault on a {111} plane under a shear stress (τ), assuming the dislocation lines are all perpendicular to the direction of τ, with: b = modulus of the Burgers vector of the Shockley partials, G = shear modulus,γ = SFE, θ1/2 = angle ...
Elastic Modulus E (GPa) 205 Ultimate Tensile Strength σb (MPa) 1502 Yield Strength σ0.2 (MPa) 1360.5 Elongation (%) 19.3 Hardness (HBW) 439 Four different turning processes were carried out to evaluate the influence of residual shear and normal stress on fatigue life and SIF. The turning...
(∆τs − 2CRSS)πds (4) According to TM, micro-cracks form along slip band segments, depending on segmental length ds, the average shear stress range on the segment ∆τs, the shear modulus G, the crack initiation energy Wc, the Poisson's ratio ν, and the CRSS [49,52,55,...