As soon as it launches, the Mac version of the Shazam app starts running quietly in the background for a maximum of 4-5 uninterrupted hours. During this time, the applicationcollects all the sounds that it hearsand matches them against its database. The app alsofeatures a countdown timerth...
開啟Mac App Store 購買和下載 App。《Shazam》:找歌好幫手 12+ 發現歌曲、影片與歌詞 Apple 4.3 • 6 個評分 免費 螢幕截圖描述 試試以全新方式體驗《Shazam》吧!只須進入「系統設定」中的「控制中心」,啟用「音樂辨識」功能,即可享受更快的辨識速度、耳機支援以及 iCloud 同步。 Mac 版 Shazam 將您的...
Shazam for Mac 能够把您发现音乐的能力带到一个全新的高度。无需把手机从口袋里拿出来,片刻就能找出任意音乐。 亮点: * 从菜单栏单击一下就能直接进入 Shazam * 访问歌词和音频视频,或在 Apple Music 中听歌 * 可在深色模式下使用 Shazam * 记录过去的所有发现 ...
Shazam for Mac 能够把您发现音乐的能力带到一个全新的高度。无需把手机从口袋里拿出来,片刻就能找出任意音乐。 亮点: * 从菜单栏单击一下就能直接进入 Shazam * 访问歌词和音频视频,或在 Apple Music 中听歌 * 可在深色模式下使用 Shazam * 记录过去的所有发现 ...
Get Shazam for Mac and we’ll work our magic! What’s New Aug 11, 2022 Version 2.11 Thanks for Shazaming! We’re always working hard to make the app faster and better than ever. Update to the most recent version to enjoy the latest and greatest Shazam. ...
Ever hear a song you like on the radio, on TV or at a party but don't know what it's called? Install Shazam for PC and you can find out. Name that tune Whenever you hear a tune you like, simply hold your PC's microphone to the speaker and hit the 'Tag Now' icon. Shortly ...
Connect Find music, concerts and more with Shazam Get the app Scan the code with your smart phone camera to download the free app Available oniOS,Android,andmore devices Shazam’s predictions for breakthrough artists this year See the List ...
Shazam Mac版是一款功能非常强大的mac音乐播放器。它既是一款音乐播放器,又是一款音乐雷达,或者说是音乐搜索工具。软件有一个非常大的特色,就是支持自动搜索你附近的人正在听的音乐并生成列表,让你知道大家都在听什么好听的歌曲。赶快下载体验吧! 软件介绍 下载Shazam,将魔力带回家。这款之前被您视为音乐定位专家的...
shazam encore音乐雷达 v7.0.0 官方pc版Shazam电脑版下载 网友评分:8 软件大小:24.3M 软件语言:中文 软件类型:国产软件 软件类别:免费软件 / 媒体播放 更新时间:2016-09-26 12:55 运行环境:WinAll, WinXP 软件等级: 软件厂商: 官方网站: 本地下载文件大小:24.3M高速下载需优先下载...
Menubar app for people who use Shazam to identify songs played on or around their Mac and who would like to keep an updated playback history using's scrobbling service.