I use to love having the Shazam app ready on startup on my macbook. The icon sat quietly on the top menu on my desktop ready to use when needed. But the latest update now has the app open up and the window annoyingly take up desktop space for no reason. Why did they do this!?
1. Shazam for Windows takes your music discovery to a whole new level. Pros: - It quickly identifies music and provides a link to the actual piece. - It has a large database of classical recordings. - It has a convenient menu bar icon that stays at the top edge of the laptop. Dow...
Shazam listens to songs that are playing and identifies them. There’s an app for iPhone, iPad and Mac plus Android, and it’s free to use.
has just arrived for Mac OS X. While the iOS, Android, and Windows versions of the app have been big hits, we wondered whether Shazam could find similar success with the Mac. So we decided to take it for a test spin and see how good it is at playing “Name That Tune,” with...