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Indeed, the high responses during SPW-R doublets (Fig. 4a, left column) could not be explained by the linear summation of two SPW-R-dSpikes because the sum of two average dendritic Ca2+r- esponses from the high-ripple group (following a time shift with the average temporal delay between...
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1. An image decoding device which decodes coding data subjected to hierarchy coding, and restores a decoding picture of a higher layer which is a target layer, the device comprising: a parameter set decoding circuit that decodes a parameter set; and a predicted image generation circuit that ge...
A video image decoding device (1) is equipped with main direction deriving means (1453A) that references a prediction mode definition DEFPM(1), and from a prediction mode number, derives a main direction of a prediction direction corresponding to a prediction mode, and a gradient deriver (1453...