ShareMe For PC 是一个多功能的文件传输和共享应用程序,它允许用户在不同设备(如 Mac 和 Windows 7、8、10 和 11 电脑、笔记本电脑和智能手机)之间无缝共享文件。消除了对硬件连接的需求,依靠互联网的力量轻松传输文件。通过 ShareMe For PC,用户可以方便地共享文档、照片、视频和各种其他文件类型,确保用户的使用...
ShareMe for PC transfers your filesmore than 200x fasterthan transferring files viaBluetooth. However, users must note that, unlikeShareItandBitTorrent, the app isnever officially made for PCs. Modern computers and laptop users will need torun it via Android emulators, likeBluestacksandLDPlayer, f...
Now you will know how to download and install the ShareMe application for a computer with the help of an emulator. You will have the simplest way of downloading the applications on the pc that are only made for android devices. This Application is ideal for transferring heavy files. For ins...
Alternative ShareMe for PC downloadfrom external server (availability not guaranteed)
ShareMe for PC Windows - 100% Free Download-latest version 1.0.3 版本号 2024-07-04 更新时间 41 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 ShareMe PC 版:通过 Share it 在 PC、Windows 和 Mac 上流畅地共享文件 - 快如闪电、安全且免费
Enjoy superb experience of using ShareMe: File sharing on PC with MEMU App Player. It's a powerful free Android emulator which provides you with thousands of android apps for their desktop version. Enjoy connecting with friends and polishing your work wi
ShareMe:一款简洁无广告的文件互传工具 3年前 来自 PC 正在参与:有哪些小众又好用的App推荐 小米出品的无广告快传软件?体积超小?赶紧来看看吧! App推荐 3397 0 3 转发 轻洞数码Lv.11 数码达人 35 动态 5 关注 1519 粉丝 私信
When you are using Share Me, you don’t have to use a separate file manager because there is an inbuilt super intelligent file manager in Share Me. All the files inside your phone will be organized by it as a help for you. Besides, you can view and share files separately. So, you ...
Fixes an issue in which the "Share with me" page is broken in the Internet Explorer browser. Fixes an issue in which the Folder icon is broken in the modern search result page. Fixes an accessibility issue in which some elements don't contain...
Shared with me You can't synchronize the Shared with me view grouping of files from a OneDrive for work or school site. Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups error when sharing You may receive this error message when trying to share to an address that is ...