Operating System Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 User Rating Click to vote Author / Product Xiaomi Inc. / External Link ShareMe for PC is a free streamlined file-sharing app that allows users of all knowledge levels to easily share files between any number of PC and...
ShareMe App Download for PC Windows (7/10/11)offers the best-emulating process for both mobile and PC. You can share/copy different files between different devices without any need for a flash drive or cable. The P2P transferring tool developed by Xiaomi Inc. along with multiple useful tools...
ShareMe For PC 是一个多功能的文件传输和共享应用程序,它允许用户在不同设备(如 Mac 和 Windows 7、8、10 和 11 电脑、笔记本电脑和智能手机)之间无缝共享文件。消除了对硬件连接的需求,依靠互联网的力量轻松传输文件。通过 ShareMe For PC,用户可以方便地共享文档、照片、视频和各种其他文件类型,确保用户的使用...
ShareMe for PC 3.15.13 for Windows是一款专为Windows系统设计的桌面应用程序,旨在帮助用户轻松地在电脑桌面上分享和发送文件。这个程序提供了简单直观的界面,使得用户可以快速地将文件从一个地方传输到另一个地方,无论是通过电子邮件、社交媒体平台还是即时通讯工具。ShareMe for PC的主要功能包括文件传输、文件管理以...