For instance, the geodesic distance distribution on a hu- man model does not change if the legs and the arms are stretched rather than curled up, since the geodesic distance from the body does not change, while the Euclidean distance from the center of mass does. Therefore, if the aim is...
The\nresults showed that people more preferred objects that appear stable, however, art and design students tended to emphasize the beauty\nof unstable objects. In the stability evaluation, people estimated stability of objects based on the visual information of center of mass\nand its estimation ...
The latter, in agreement with molecular-kinetic theory, is given by q=p″2πmkT, where m is the mass of a molecule. Consequently, in this case the estimate for the frequency of nuclei formation can be written as J~n0Scrp″2πmkTexp−WcrkT. For particles with a radius of ~10 nm,...
In Sect. 4, we discuss the coupling of an odd neutron or odd proton to the isomers in an even–even core to explain the structure of some of the isomers in odd-Ba or odd-Ce as well as odd-La isotopes. Section 5 provides future plans for similar studies in other mass regions. In ...
Examples of mechanical metamaterials are pentamodal structures that exhibit fluid-like behaviour1, but also configurations with distributed and periodic units that show negative mass2 and compressibility3 features. A particular class of mechanical metamaterials is characterised by negative Poisson's ratio4,...
Taxonomic diversity and body mass are major parameters used for inferring evolutionary rates and diversification episodes in mammals in deep time (e.g., ref.8,). However, these proxies have significant drawbacks that prevent them from being effective, especially for determining reliable evolutionary ra...
We reconstruct the 2D object location for our method as the center of mass of the projected mesh silhouette at each high-speed frame. We compare to various state-of-the-art methods: a generic deblurring method DeblurGAN-v2 [18], a generic method fo...
"Monsters represent a part of normal human sexuality that has been repressed, or called 'perverse' and 'deviant,'" said Reynolds, who has a doctorate in mass communication. "They're also cultural manifestations of the icky parts of human anatomy and behavior -- the animal parts of us that...
1 2 3 m˙ in [kg/s] 0.109 0.129 0.087 lc[mm] 0.99 1.13 0.89 CFD Vmax [m/s] 3.3 3.7 4.4 Re = ρlcVmax/µ [-] 866 1108 1037 Table 2. Mass flow rate imposed at inlet boundary and the corresponding Reynolds number for Patients 1 to 3. Figure 4. Illustration of ...
Analyses were performed in R 4.0.244, with the packages Momocs 1.3.243for everything morphometrics, MASS 7.3-51.645for linear discriminant analyses, tidyverse 1.2.146for general data manipulation and visualization, pvclust 2.2-047for assessing uncertainties in hierarchical clustering and ape 5.048for unr...