shapelessness- an amorphous or indefinite shape; "a shapeless mass" blob- an indistinct shapeless form space- an empty area (usually bounded in some way between things); "the architect left space in front of the building"; "they stopped at an open space in the jungle"; "the space between...
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and art, particularly abstract art, are undoubtedly intrinsically linked not only by colour, but also by shape as often both contain regular geometries like rectangles and triangles. The use of colour has a multitude of functions in both the pre- and post-...
In his novel,Death of the Fox, George Garrett found a new application for this commonly used simile: “I am panting and my body twitches and heaves. Like a man with a woman, flat as a flounder, beneath him.” [A cleft in a rock] flat as a fresco —John Farris ...
Are seed mass and seedling size and shape related to altitude? Evidence in Gymnocalycium monvillei (Cactaceae).doi:10.1139/cjb-2015-0026altitudinal gradientsCactaceaeGymnocalyciumseed massseedling morphologygradients altitudinauxmasse des semencesmorphologie des semis...
The proposed segmentation model provides a high Dice coefficient and Intersection over Union (IoU) of 94% and 87%, respectively. In addition, a shape descriptor based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is proposed to classify the generated masks into four mass shapes: irregular, lobular, ...
In this context, the translingual practice has been centered on the interplay between language and local identity practices, popular culture and mass, digital youth and mediated communicative practices (Rampton et al. 2019). Social media platforms become spaces for assembling linguistic resources, ...
size and shape of the edifices were then calculated using ArcGIS Analyst tools. In addition, we performed a principal component analysis (PCA) where ten morphometric variables explain 84% of the total variance in edifice morphology. Most variables show a large spread and some overlap, with clear...
In subject area: Engineering Melt shape casting processes involve pouring a melt into a mold or onto a surface where it solidifies into a shape. From: Materials Processing, 2016 About this pageSet alert Discover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended...
We find mass degeneracy of the ρ± and ρ 0 masses when mixing with the ω in its π + π decay mode is taken into account. A fit with one mass and width for the three ρ charge states yields m ρ =(763.0±1.3) MeV and Γρ =(149.5±1.3) MeV. The mass difference between ...
Noun1.shapelessness- an amorphous or indefinite shape; "a shapeless mass" amorphous shape- an ill-defined or arbitrary shape 2.shapelessness- the quality of lacking an esthetically pleasing shape unattractiveness- an ugliness of appearance that is not appealing to viewers ...