Shanghai Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as: Zhongyi) takes "Everything for Patients (all for patients)" as its core concept and is committed to providing high quality and one-stop clinical trial solutions. Since its establishment in 2019, the core team has ...
OEM parts are mainly produced in Zhongyi’s machining workshop. We handle carbon/alloy/stainless steel, gray/ductile iron, Al/zinc alloy & bronze/brass through machining, casting, forging, stamping, die-casting, and welding processes. We serve almost every industry, such as Agriculture, Food &...
At Zhongyi, we have covered more than 50 large and medium-sized cities across the country and have completed the recruitment work for nearly a thousand clinical trial projects. We accurately match patients with research needs, accelerate the enrollment process of projects, and help our clients effi...
总院地址:上海市静安区芷江中路274号 门诊部地址:上海市静安区石门一路67弄1号;静安分院地址:延长路288号 怎么走: 总院:963路、1208路、65路、515路、108路、115路、817路、地铁3号线、地铁8号线 门诊部:128路、41路、104路、925B线、48路、71路、地铁2号线 ...
Shanghai Zhongyi Garments Co.,Ltd. 公司地址(Address):上海市金山区朱泾镇亭枫公路3311号6幢121室 邮政编码(Postcode):200093 传真或电话(TEL / FAX):57325753
国家级名老中医,教授,博士生导师,主任医师,现任上海曙光医院中医内科督导,上海市中医脾胃病医疗协作中心主任,上海市中医内科学会副主任,中华中医药学会中医内科学会顾问。行医50余年。有丰富的治疗经验,被誉为"东方名医"。 擅长:各种胃肠疾病如慢性胃炎、结肠炎、溃疡病、胃癌前期病变等。以及II型糖尿病和虚损病症。
Shanghai Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd.
aThe Shanghai zhongyi event & Exhibition service Co. Ltd. focuses on Shanghai and extends to the whole exhibition market of China. We offer exhibition booth design and construction, brand logo design, plan and all the way creation services. We also design and undertake business activities and ...
网络上海中医药大学金匮教研室 网络释义 1. 上海中医药大学金匮教研室 ...4 【国内统一刊号】:31-1276【作者单位】:上海中医药大学金匮教研室(ShangHaiZhongYiYaoDaXueJinZuoJiaoYanShi) …|基于 1 个网页
上海中医本科招聘工资收入一般多少钱一个月? 69.4%岗位拿¥10-30K/月,年薪¥12-36W,2023年较2022增长了20%。 按经验,应届生工资¥9.8K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位613个,占上海本科0.11%。 工作区域,主要分布在浦东新区,闵行区。 就业单位:健康管理占16.8%,医疗服务占16.3%,医院占13.6%。