Rainfall triggered landslides occur in all mountain ranges posing threats to people and the environment. Given the projected climate changes, the risk posed by landslides is expected to increase, and the ability to anticipate their occurrence is key for
In this work, we perform a Rayleigh wave ellipticity analysis focusing on data recorded during a representative quiet-period time window. For the first time, using this classic seismological technique, we resolve the shallow subsurface stratigraphy at the InSight landing site in Elysium Planitia on M...
Then I did some fiddling to allow for analyzing only part of the recording -- Python's wave package has no way to read in just the first six seconds of a .wav file, so I had to read in the whole file, read the data into a numpy array, then take a slice representing the seconds...
In this work, we perform a Rayleigh wave ellipticity analysis focusing on data recorded during a representative quiet-period time window. For the first time, using this classic seismological technique, we resolve the shallow subsurface stratigraphy at the InSight landing site in Elysium Planitia on M...
python numpy Some tricks for dealing with 2D and 3D grid data in python. Dec 8, 2016 Ben Lindsay Interactive D3 Map of Baby Name Popularity python d3 data visualization Pick a name and slide the slider to see how its popularity changed over time across the US Jul 24, 2016 Ben ...
That's not super intuitive in numpy; the best way I've found is: indices = np.where(demarray == demarray.max()) ymax, xmax = indices[0][0], indices[1][0] print("The highest point is", demarray[ymax][xmax]) print(" at pixel location", xmax, ymax) Translate Between ...