Visiting the Shadowfell for the first time, you’ll immediately notice the lack of any natural light or color at all. There are no suns, moons, stars to light the way, your lanterns or light-givingDnD 5e spellswon’t grant vision beyond a few feet in the suffocating darkness, and every...
You weave together threads of shadow to create a sword of solidified gloom in your hand. This magic sword lasts until the spell ends. It counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 2d8 psychic damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties...
This user doesn’t have any gold badges yet. This user doesn’t have any silver badges yet. 1 bronze badge Teacher Sep 22, 2016 Top tags dnd-5e-2014 0 Score 1 Posts 100 Posts % optimization 0 Score 1 Posts 100 Posts % spells 0 Score 1 Posts 100 Posts % vision-and...
I don't use healing spells that much - potions in combat is my thing. Re: Dark Justiciar Shadowheart? JandK#89169904/09/2303:34 PM rodeolifant old hand Joined:Oct 2020 Location:Netherlands Healing spells don;t do that much... Unless you take life Cleric and save all the 'if you hea...
Until more is sent to 5e we can't be sure, but its almost certainly going to be both. Also, the Feywild isn't associated with good, it's associated with the positive energy plane in old traditions. Likewise, the Shadowfell isn't evil, it's associated with the negat...