Shadow in the Rose Garden 《Shadow in the Rose Garden》是The M Machine演唱的歌曲,于2015年3月4日发行。歌曲歌词 I cannot be sure, I see the future In my head In my head Blaming myself for all I need help for In my head In my head ...
the shadow in the rose garden故事梗概《玫瑰花园里的暗影》是一部以女性为叙述主体的小说,讲述了度假中的一对年轻夫妇在海滨村庄度蜜月时发生的故事。妻子故地重游,来到曾经约会过的玫瑰花园,意外地遇到了心爱的人,却发现他已经疯了,认不出她来。这让她伤心欲绝。回到旅馆后,她把自己关在房间,丈夫问她发生...
Unit5:TheShadowintheRose Garden D.H.Lawrence(1885-1930)• 1 2 Majorworks •TheWhitePeacock(1910)•SonsandLovers(1913)•TheRainbow(1915)•WomeninLove(1921)•LadyChatterley’sLover(1928)3 Majorthemes •Relationshipbetweenmenandwomen•Criticismofthemodernworldofmoneyandmachines•Oedipuscomplex...
surveythebedroomwindowsoverlookingthegarden.Hestarted,seeinga woman‟sfigure;butitwasonlyhiswife.Shewasgazingacrosstothesea, apparentlyignorantofhim. Foramomentortwohelookedather,watchingher.Shewasagood-looking woman,whoseemedolderthanhe,ratherpale,buthealthy,herfaceyearning. Herrichauburnhairwasheapedin...
H. Lawrence THE SHADOW IN THE ROSE GARDEN A rather small young man sat by the window of a pretty seaside cottage trying to persuade himself that he was reading the newspaper. It was about half-past eight in the morning. Outside, the glory roses hung in the morning sunshine like little ...
The Shadow in the Rose Garden 书名:英国短篇小说经典 (下卷) 作者名:朱源 徐华东 本章字数:5336字 更新时间:2020-07-09 16:21:47首页 书籍详情 目录 听书 加入书架 字号 背景 手机阅读举报 后续精彩内容,请登录阅读上QQ阅读APP看书,第一时间看更新...
《The Shadow in the Rose Garden》(David Herbert Lawrence)内容简介: The Shadow in the Rose Garden was written in the year 1914 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is...
阅读-The shadow in the rose garden The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, by D. H. Lawrence THE SHADOW IN THE ROSE GARDEN A rather small young man sat by the window of a pretty seaside cottage trying to persuade himself that he was reading the newspaper. It was about half-past eight...
阅读-The shadow in the rose garden 下载积分: 50 内容提示: The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, by D. H. Lawrence T HE S HADOW IN THE R OSE G ARDEN A rather small young man sat by the window of a pretty seaside cottage trying to persuade himself that he was reading the ...