in vec3 Normal; from thesein ivec2 UV1;causes the compile error, since integer inputs cant be interpolated between vertices and need a 'flat' qualifier. the NVIDIA driver seems to ignore these since they are not actually used in the final shader, but AMD seems to not do that. to fix ...
【Shaders】E..【Shaders】Error:Invalid program “shaders”求大佬的帮助,开了光影突然出现这个,然后fps掉到3电脑是笔记本1660ti和9300i7,SUSE PTGI E12光影已经用了1年多了,今天突然就出来这个然后帧数从40降到3求大佬帮助啊
首先,"Invalid program 'gbuffers_textured' and 'gbuffers_textured_lit'" 这些错误表明游戏的渲染器无法正确识别或运行特定的着色程序(shader programs)。这可能是由于以下几个原因:1. 你使用的光影包与你的游戏版本不兼容。如果你正在使用的是旧版的光影包,而你的游戏是较新的版本,可能会出现这种问题。你可以试...
When I try to open a ShaderPack called SEUS v10.0, I get a message: [Shaders] Error: Invalid program gbuffers_textured_lit and a red screen (screenshot 1). But with another pack called SEUS v10.0, it gives me some small, blue screens in ...
Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders is a mod which adds a great deal of depth to Minecraft by implementing 3D lighting and visuals.