Shabbat, Festival and Fast Times (London) ParashaStart DateStart TimeEnd DateEnd Time Fast of Tevet22 Dec 202306:1416:42 Vayigash22 Dec 202315:3923 Dec 202316:49 Vayechi29 Dec 202315:4430 Dec 202316:54 Shemot*5 Jan 202415:516 Jan 202417:01 ...
In past years, we have enjoyed hosting IDF Lone Soldiers for the holidays: kids who leave their home countries, their families, friends and lives, to volunteer their service in the Israeli army. We’ve had wonderful young adults from the States, the UK, Columbia, South Africa, Mexico, Fran...
This is what thepassuk(Devarim 33,28)ישראל בטח בדד עין יעקב וישכן When does Yisrael dwell securely? When they are בדד, separated from Aisav and the Nachash. How did they attain this separation? This is hinted in th...
Board vice-president Edwin Shuker urged all UK synagogues “to embrace a more sustainable way of operating, and to make sure our relationship with the environment is a focal point of both our personal and communal lives”.
(Rashi ibid) interpret this passage to teach us that there are two times designated for the finalgeulah. One is בעתה a predestined time in which Moshiach must come. Then there also exists the possibility ofMoshiach’sarrival to be earlier than the designated time if we merit his...
(1) Aish UK (1) Akademos Choir (1) Akko (1) Al Goodman (2) Al Hanissim (1) Al Hirt (1) Al Jolson (2) Al Katz (1) Al Kelly Double-Talk (1) Al Kol Eleh (2) Al Kustanowitz (29) Al Shean (2) Alan Arkin (1) Alan Dershowitz (1) Alan King (13) Alan Zweibel (2) ...
times thegematriahof אמונה symbolizing the two levels ofemunahwhich Avraham attained at the Tenth Test. To thissegulahof theBeisHamikdashthepassuktestifies when it says עדותיך נאמנו מאד לביתך נאוה קודשAmY...
All donations towards the building of the Mishkan had to be motivated by pure intentions and love of Hashem as the passuk says ויקחו לי תרומה that the materials should be given לי lishmah (Rashi). Understandably,
On the passuk ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים (Bereishis 2,7) Rashi brings the Chazal to explain why Adam was created from both the physical earth and the spiritual soul. On the first day of creation, Hashem brought into existence the heavens and the...
asChazalsay that Haman is hinted in the Torah from the passukהמןהעץ הזה . At thechaitofAitz Hadaaswe find theNachashboasting how he broke the גדר which caused the cataclysmic fallout of mankind by his eating from its fruit. The Medrash says (Chukas 9...