Shabbat Times for New York CityNew York City, New York, USACandle lighting: 6:58pm on Friday, Mar 28 Shabbat HaChodesh occurs on Saturday, Mar 29 This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Pekudei Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan occurs on Saturday, Mar 29 Havdalah: 7:59pm on Saturday, Mar...
the ones we can barely hear during the busy work week, so that we can put ourselves back together and bring our full selves back with us into our daily lives. Shabbat is a chance to heal the wounds of the week, especially the times when we’ve pushed through, despite...
Another week of rain (our ceilings are not holding); another week of rejoicing; of resistance; of rumors and lies; and hopefully…. Of recipes!!! So hold on- Earlier this week Blinken left Israel with the words of Biden leaving a sore taste in the mouths of Israelis: cut it out and...
The Shabbat application will allow you to quickly check the candle lighting times, havdalah times and parsha for the week in any location in the world. This comes in handy when you quickly want to know when Shabbos is or if you want to know if it is too late to call your in-laws in...
The Shabbat application will allow you to quickly check the candle lighting times, havdalah times and parsha for the week in any location in the world. This comes in handy when you quickly want to know when Shabbos is or if you want to know if it is too late to call your in-laws in...
The Shabbat application will allow you to quickly check the candle lighting times, havdalah times and parsha for the week in any location in the world. This comes in handy when you quickly want to know when Shabbos is or if you want to know if it is too late to call your in-laws in...
The Shabbat application will allow you to quickly check the candle lighting times, havdalah times and parsha for the week in any location in the world. This comes in handy when you quickly want to know when Shabbos is or if you want to know if it is too late to call your in-laws in...
Ben Ish Chai (Parashat Shemot Halacha 2) writes that the reward for learning torah on Shabbat is one thousand times greater than during the week. ↑ Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 25 note 24) considers puzzles to be Keli SheMelachto LeIssur as it’s forbidden to put together a puzzle on...
The Parshah then describes the Three Pilgrimage festivals that take place throughout the year; Pesach, Shavuot and Succot (Shemot 23:14/19). During these festival times, the Jews were to come to the Temple and bring sacrifices, in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The festivals always took place...
Ben Ish Chai (Parashat Shemot Halacha 2) writes that the reward for learning torah on Shabbat is one thousand times greater than during the week. ↑ Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 25 note 24) considers puzzles to be Keli SheMelachto LeIssur as it’s forbidden to put together a puzzle on...