For examples and discussion, see this blog post. data one; do x = 0 to 30; binomialpdf = pdf("Binomial", x, 0.6, 30); output; end; run; proc sgplot data =one; needle y=binomialpdf x=x / markers lineattrs=(thickness=5); run; proc sgplot data =one; vbarbasic x / response=...
By default the Hbar or Vbar would Sum the response variable values, you could request other statistics. 0 Likes Reply sas1018 Fluorite | Level 6 Re: Warning for BARCHARTPARM sgplot procedure Posted 10-21-2021 05:27 PM (3253 views) | In reply to ballardw Thanks for the reply ...
By default the Hbar or Vbar would Sum the response variable values, you could request other statistics. 0 Likes Reply sas1018 Fluorite | Level 6 Re: Warning for BARCHARTPARM sgplot procedure Posted 10-21-2021 05:27 PM (3460 views) | In reply to ballardw Thanks for the reply ...
In SAS 9.4, I can use sgplot to generate either stack or cluster bar chart using vbar and groupdisplay=stack (or cluster). But I have total 4 variables to display in the chart: region, year, grade, and enrollment. I would like to draw 4 'stack and cluster bars' ...
I found examples for "proc gplot", but I don't want to change all of my work. here is my code: proc sgplot data=Grafik; Title "Stabdiagramm der Variable: Geschlecht"; yaxis label="Absolute Häufigkeit"; xaxis label="Geschlecht der Studierenden"; vbar Geschlecht / barwidth=...
proc sgplot data = Ind_stat; xaxis type = discrete label = "ind" fitpolicy = staggerrotate display = (noticks); yaxis label = "# of Customers";vbar hy/response = n datalabel;run; 0 Likes Reply 2 REPLIES Cynthia_sas SAS Super FREQ Re: Display X Axis Value ...