PROC SGPLOT DATA = chocolate; VBAR FavoriteFlavor / GROUP = AgeGroup GROUPDISPLAY = CLUSTER;/* 以年龄组作为数据分组变量,cluster表示成簇状展示barplot */ FORMAT AgeGroup $AgeGp.; LABEL FavoriteFlavor = 'Flavor of Chocolate'; TITLE 'Favorite Chocolate Flavors by Age'; RUN; 三、直方图:连续变量...
ods graphics / reset noborder height=6in width=5in;proc sgplotdata=SAShelp.ClassSGANNO=anno; *指定颜色循环; styleattrs datacolors=("#ff5500" "#4b71af" ) datacontrastcolors = ("#ff5500" "#4b71af"); *关键代码; vbar Sex / response= Height group=Sex groupdisplay=cluster CLUSTERWIDTH=...
ods graphics / reset noborder height=6in width=5in; proc sgplot data= SAShelp.Class SGANNO=anno; *指定颜色循环; styleattrs datacolors=("#ff5500" "#4b71af" ) datacontrastcolors = ("#ff5500" "#4b71af"); *关键代码; vbar Sex / response= Height group=Sex groupdisplay=cluster CLUSTER...
2; run; /* Create bar chart */ ods graphics / height=400 width=1300; proc sgplot data=have; vbarparm category=OBS_DATE response=Indirect_Cost_Perc / colormodel=(CXF2575F CXCAD5E5) colorresponse=sign; yaxis label="Indirect Cost%"; xaxis label="Observation Date" i...
GOPTIONSspecifiesgraphics optionsthat control the appearance ofgraphics elementsby specifying characteristics such asdefaultcolors, fill patterns, fonts, or text height.Graphics options can also temporarily change device settings. LEGENDmodifiesthe appearance and position of legendsgenerated by procedures that ...
IMAGENAME='BirdGraph'OUTPUTFMT =BMPHEIGHT=2INWIDTH=3IN; (三)PROC SGPANEL过程步 SGPLOT与SGPANEL过程步用法基本相同,区别在于:SGPLOT是绘制“单图”;SGPANEL过程步绘制“多子图”。 基本语法: PROC SGPANEL data =数据集; PANELBY分组变量/options; 绘图语句; 说明: (1)SGPANEL过程步必须与“PANELBY语句”一...
results NOPRINT; run; QUIT; /* Creating standardized residuals */ data results; set results; st_resid = (residual / std); run; ods graphics on / width=1000px height=700px; /* Plotting st. residuals over time */ proc sgplot data=results; vbar date / response=st_resid; xaxis...
SAS92后,针对常规统计作图,开发了以下三个过程:SGPLOT, SGPANEL, SGSCATTER, 针对特殊情况,用户也可以自定义统计图(TEMPLETE过程),然后用过程SGRENDER过程进行调用。在所给出的三个常用统计过程中,SGPLOT的一些基本特性,在其他过程均相似,因此对该过程详述,其他的过程只要注意其特点就可以了。1 PROC SGPLOT S...
If you prefer something smaller or with different dimensions, you can use the ODS graphics options to specify width and height: ODS graphics on / width=5in height=3in; PROC SGPLOT data = state_pop_transpose2; title1 "&state Population by Year"; footnote justify=left italic 'Source: SAS...
results NOPRINT; run; QUIT; /* Creating standardized residuals */ data results; set results; st_resid = (residual / std); run; ods graphics on / width=1000px height=700px; /* Plotting st. residuals over time */ proc sgplot data=results; vbar date / response=st_resid; xaxis...