1、Cisco SG 300-52交换机的出厂默认IP地址是:。在笔记本上设置同网段的IP地址:。用一根网线连接交换机的端口1(不指定端口)和笔记本。打开浏览器,输入http://,打开SG 300-52的登录界面。输入默认用户名和密码:cisco,单击“Log In”登录。 2、交换机自动跳转到修改登录密码界...
CISCO SG300-52MP参数页面提供真实的CISCO SG300-52MP配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解CISCO SG300-52MP。
Cisco SG300 (basement): (connected to the wireless access point via cable on GE49 (Trunk)I have set up several VLAN with different types of machines (internal servers, development servers, production servers (for testing) and some NAS devices. I have left the deault VLAN 1...
CISCO SG300-52 CISCO SG300-52是一款电子产品,产品类型为网管交换机。重要参数 包转发率:77.38Mpps 端口描述:50个千兆以太网口,2个千兆以太网组合端口 详细参数
思科SG300-52MP 思科SG300-52MP是思科品牌下的一款交换机。规格参数
端口数:52个 传输速率(Mbps):10/100/1000Mbps 背板带宽(Gbps):104Gbps 查看详细参数>> 产品简介:CISCO SG300-52MP,产品类型 网管交换机,应用层级 三层,传输速率 10/100/1000Mbps,背板带宽 104Gbps 。 思科SG300-52MP热门行情 更多文章 > 同品牌最热产品 ...
Cisco SG300 (basement): (connected to the wireless access point via cable on GE49 (Trunk)I have set up several VLAN with different types of machines (internal servers, development servers, production servers (for testing) and some NAS devices. I have left the deau...
Cisco SG300 (basement): (connected to the wireless access point via cable on GE49 (Trunk)I have set up several VLAN with different types of machines (internal servers, development servers, production servers (for testing) and some NAS devices. I have left the deault VLAN 1...