Découvrez ici les projets réalisés par la SFMTA pour rendre les rues plus sûres et comment demander d'autres améliorations de sécurité comme des signaux sonores pour les passages piétons, des rampes d'accès ou de nouveaux passages piétons. Autres options de mobilité : Vous recherchez...
Find Muni service and SFMTA projects in your neighborhood Projects See transportation projects happening near you Permits Apply for parking permits or street closures Citations Pay a parking ticket, transit citation, or get towing information
旧金山交通局(SFMTA)新标旧金山交通局(SFMTA)负责管理加州旧金山的交通服务﹐包括旧金山公交车局(MUNI)﹑自行车﹑行人﹑ …www.logozj.com|基于92个网页 2. 三藩市交通局 三藩市交通局(SFMTA)周二公开表扬Yam在事件中及时采取行动,保障乘客的安全。 其它相关新闻 新闻排行 【关闭】 【列印】 【转…dailynews.sina...
December 11 For details about the meeting locations and more info, contact theMobility Management Centeror visitSFMTA.com/PCC. San Francisco Paratransit (“SF Paratransit”) is a van and taxi program for people unable to independently use or access public transit because of a disability or disabli...
SFMTA.com/MuniForward Check out our new report, “Fast Forward: 10 Years of Muni Forward, 2014-2024”. It offers an in-depth look at how Muni Forward has helped to transform Muni into a faster, more reliable, safer system over the past decade. It also offers a roadmap for how we’...
The Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) was a planning project developed to achieve SFMTA's goal of helping San Francisco remain a vibrant, livable, world-class, transportation-rich city and realize its Transit First Policy. Its focus is Muni: at once, the transit backbone of a transportation-...
The SFMTA Strategic Plan is defined by a set of plan elements that outline the high-level concepts and aspirations of the agency –the vision, values and metrics– and the actionable strategies– the goals and initiatives– which will be incorporated into the everyday work of agency staff. ...
SFMTA: 不好意思, 超时未挪车 作为生活在湾区的有车一族,真的不容易。不仅要防范随时会发生的砸窗,还得惦记自家车可能被卸下的轱辘,更不容易的是,还得面带微笑签收,“因为轮胎被盗车无法移动”,SFMTA开出的罚单。 (图片来自sf gate,版权属于原作者) ...
周三,SFMTA取消了大部分的巴士线路。现在目前,城市只17条巴士线路在运营,巴士减少造成巴士出现拥挤。 人们在巴士车站时在保持社交距离上做得很好,但在上车后却完全变调。周三拍摄的照片显示下午4点在38 Geary,部分人并排坐着,部分人肩并肩站着。 不愿透露自己姓的Sharon说:「太挤了!」她经常坐公车办事。她向记者演...
sfmta.com (全网免费下载) sfmta.com 相似文献San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's Twin Peaks Tunnel Trackway Improvement Project The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), California, has committed torninvesting $250 million annually over the next 20 years to improve ... ...