Use the Muni mobile ticketing app to buy tickets for SFMTA with ease, directly from your smartphone. With Muni Mobile, your phone is your fare! You can sign up for an account here or on the app, and use this portal to purchase tickets and manage your account. Once you download the app...
SFMTA: 不好意思, 超时未挪车 作为生活在湾区的有车一族,真的不容易。不仅要防范随时会发生的砸窗,还得惦记自家车可能被卸下的轱辘,更不容易的是,还得面带微笑签收,“因为轮胎被盗车无法移动”,SFMTA开出的罚单。 (图片来自sf gate,版权属于原作者) 车轮被盗,报警反吃Ticket 家住旧金山Richmond的Dow姓夫妇,对...
Complete Ticket Details 纜車單次乘坐 乘坐歷史悠久的纜車的單程票。 MuniMobile:成人和青少年 $8.00 年長者/殘障人士/Medicare持有人:晚上9點至早上7點 $4.00 Youth 4 and under $0.00 Complete Ticket Details 一日遊客通行證 無限次乘坐 Muni、Muni 地鐵、歷史悠久的有軌電車和纜車。 MuniMobile/Paper...
你可以看看告票資料,查看上訴的情況,和在網上付款。 若你收到泊車告票或乘客違規告票,你必需在限期前支付告票或上訴,不然你要支付過期費用和追討費。若車輛有五張或以上的泊車告票, 車輛可能會被上鎖和/或拖走。若你想上訴便不要交罰款。 付款的方法 網上: 會同日顯示已付款和有電子收條在線支付 電話:請電415.70...
Muni is the fastest, most convenient way to get to Chase Center events and can get you anywhere in San Francisco as well as provide an easy connection to regional transit service. Your Event Ticket is Your Muni Fare You can ride Muni all day (excluding cable cars). Just show your event...
mobile application designed to help public transit riders plan and navigate their trips and to purchase and use tickets on Muni, San Francisco’s public transit system. This app provides real-time predictions, trip planning functionality, step-by-step navigation, service alerts, and ticket purchases...
mobile application designed to help public transit riders plan and navigate their trips and to purchase and use tickets on Muni, San Francisco’s public transit system. This app provides real-time predictions, trip planning functionality, step-by-step navigation, service alerts, and ticket purchases...
mobile application designed to help public transit riders plan and navigate their trips and to purchase and use tickets on Muni, San Francisco’s public transit system. This app provides real-time predictions, trip planning functionality, step-by-step navigation, service alerts, and ticket purchases...
TIP: Single ticket rider? Clipper Mobile may be a good option for you! Visitour fares page( for more information on discount programs available only with Clipper. 導言(Project Introduction) The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is developing a new real-time ve...
Pay a parking ticket, transit citation, or get towing information Latest News & Blog Adopting the Biking and Rolling Plan: A Safer, More Connected San Francisco Riding the Rails: San Francisco Cable Car Stamps Major Initiatives Muni Forward ...