Runsfdx updateto update the CLI to the latest available version. Installation You can install this by either using an OS-specific installeravailable here, by directly installing it withnpmoryarn(see the instructions below). Installing withnpmoryarn ...
(core)", "@oclif/plugin-update 1.5.0 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 1.7.3 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-which 1.0.4 (core)", "@salesforce/sfdx-plugin-lwc-test 0.1.7 (core)", "alias 2.0.0 (core)", "apex 0.11.0 (core)", "auth 1.8.2 (core)", "community ...
I see this was closed but we are still experiencing this and none of the suggested fixes,sf update nightlyorsf update stableare working. At a complete standstill. All was actually fine for us 4 days ago on 2.58 when this was opened, the problem started occurring after 8/25. Seems to be...
(core)", "@oclif/plugin-update 4.5.3 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-version 2.2.10 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.1.11 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-which 3.2.10 (core)", "@salesforce/cli 2.56.7 (core)", "apex 3.4.2 (core)", "api 1.1.0 (core)", "auth 3.6....
sfdx plugins:install @oclif/plugin-update@3.2.4will replace the plugin that has the bug. You can run thisbefore the CLI deletes itselfto prevent the problem. If the problem already happened, you need on one of the other options.