Runsfdx updateto update the CLI to the latest available version. Installation You can install this by either using an OS-specific installeravailable here, by directly installing it withnpmoryarn(see the instructions below). Installing withnpmoryarn ...
Summary Running command "force:source:convert" with latest version of sfdx cli (sfdx-cli@7.112.0) results in an error: Steps To Reproduce: install latest sfdx cli version (sfdx-cli@7.112.0) via azure pipeline Run "force: source:convert" ...
(core)", "@oclif/plugin-update 4.5.3 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-version 2.2.10 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available 3.1.11 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-which 3.2.10 (core)", "@salesforce/cli 2.56.7 (core)", "apex 3.4.2 (core)", "api 1.1.0 (core)", "auth 3.6....
问SFDX授权一个程序运行失败EN// 初始化OAuth2.0授权 const authenticate = () => { re...
node version $ node --version v8.8.1 // upgrade node $ brew upgrade node ==> Upgrading 1 outdated package, with result: node 9.3.0_1 // now to the real magic - fix heroku cli $ rm -rf ~/.local/share/heroku/client $ heroku update heroku-cli: Updating to 6.14.43-73d5876... ...
Aura Helper CLI aplication Tools converted into SFDX Plugin. Latest version: 1.2.2, last published: a year ago. Start using aura-helper-sfdx in your project by running `npm i aura-helper-sfdx`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using aura-help
Runsf plugins linkto link the local sfdx-hardis to SFDX CLI Runtsc --watchto transpile typescript into js everytime you update a TS file Debug commands usingNODE_OPTIONS=--inspect-brk sf hardis:somecommand -someparameter somevalue Dependencies ...
VSCode install Salesforce CLI Tool Salesforce Extension Tools Please install the above tool. if you want to continue the below steps. I also suggest you take some time on thedocument. OAuth a Salesforce Org Because of the salesforce development is not on premises. Whatever you use the eclips...
When I try to reset the source tracking of my scratch org using the 'sfdx project reset tracking' SFDX command, I will always get an socket connection
salesforce cli command tooling api object (create and edit) package create package2 package version create package2versioncreaterequest package version update package2version assign permission set to users to assign one or more users to a permission set, or to remove a user from a permissi...