sfdx-cli 7.209.6•Public• Published2 years ago Salesforce CLI Warning ThesfdxCLI entered maintenance mode on July 12th, 2023. Usesfinstead atsalesforce/cli. Check outthis blog postfor information and context about this change.
Summary Running command "force:source:convert" with latest version of sfdx cli (sfdx-cli@7.112.0) results in an error: Steps To Reproduce: install latest sfdx cli version (sfdx-cli@7.112.0) via azure pipeline Run "force: source:convert" ...
To check if Salesforce CLI runs under a supported node version for SGD, run sf --version. You should see a node version above v.16.20.0 to use SGD.If you encounter this issue whereas the node version is OK on the running environment, try to install the Salesforce CLI via npm (npm ...
{"cliVersion":"@salesforce/cli/2.5.7","architecture":"linux-x64","nodeVersion":"node-v18.17.1","osVersion":"Linux 5.15.0-1042-azure","shell":"bash","rootPath":"/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.17.1/x64/lib/node_modules/@salesforce/cli","pluginVersions": ["@oclif/plugin-autocomplete...
我们使用 Cookies使您与我们网站的交互更有意义,并为您定制内容。 我们根据隐私声明处理从Cookies收集的信息。 这些信息可能被传输到中国境外的服务器或第三方信息控制者进行处理。 要更改您的 Cookies设置和偏好,请单击“Cookie同意管理”按钮。 拒绝所有 接受所有Cookie同意管理 ...
macOS Sierra にアップグレードにしたユーザが CLI コマンドを実行できないことがあります。これは、Salesforce DX のみの問題ではなく、一般的な問題です。この問題を解決するには、Xcode 開発者ツールを再インストールします。
After reinstalling the CLI, I tried workaround 2: sfdx plugins:install @oclif/plugin-update@latest This is what happens: This plugin is not digitally signed and its authenticity cannot be verified. Continue installation y/n?: y Finished digital signature check. ...
A Salesforce CLI plugin containing all jayree legacy commands.. Latest version: 1.1.120, last published: 22 days ago. Start using @jayree/sfdx-plugin-legacy in your project by running `npm i @jayree/sfdx-plugin-legacy`. There are no other projects in the
SFDX CLI Version:sfdx-cli/7.5.0-e6ca93eee8 win32-x64 node-v10.15.3 OS and version: Windows 10 (Windows_NT x64 10.0.17763) rendallmentioned this issueMay 3, 2019 ForceCode extension hangs at 'Forcecode loading...' messagecelador/ForceCode#279 ...
Aura Helper CLI aplication Tools converted into SFDX Plugin. Latest version: 1.2.2, last published: a year ago. Start using aura-helper-sfdx in your project by running `npm i aura-helper-sfdx`. There is 1 other project in the npm registry using aura-help