SELECTDeveloperName, FolderName, IsActiveFROMEmailTemplate SELECTDeveloperName, Folder.DeveloperName, IsActiveFROMEmailTemplate 使用下面的命令可以正确获取到 public 文件夹下的邮件模版 sfdx force:source:retrieve -m EmailTemplate:unfiled\$public\/My_template_API_name...
Thisiswas the latestsfdxCLI application, based on theoclifCLI engine. By default it comes installed with various plugins. Releases We publish thelatestCLI on Thursdays. At the same time we also publish thelatest-rcrelease candidate CLI. The release candidates contain changes that will likely be...
接下来需要做的第一件事是将 CLI 连接到 Salesforce。CLI 提供了使用基于 Web 的 OAuth 流、基于 JWT 令牌的流和 sfdx auth URL 进行连接的命令。 在命令提示符下执行以下命令以使用 Web 登录流程授权开发中心 sfdx force:auth:web:login -r 为了检查之前连接的所有组织,您可以...
Actual result Returns "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'" System Information `{ "cliVersion": "sfdx-cli/7.146.1", "architecture": "linux-x64", "nodeVersion": "node-v12.22.5", "pluginVersions": [ "@oclif/plugin-autocomplete 0.3.0 (core)", "@oclif/plugin-commands 1.3.0 (core)", ...
sfdx plugins:install @dx-cli-toolbox/sfdx-toolbox-package-utils You will be prompted to confirm that you want to install an unsigned plugin. Choose "yes" This plugin is not digitally signed and its authenticity cannot be verified. Continue installation y/n?: y To whitelist this plugin,...
Troubleshoot Salesforce DX/CLI Version Information CLI Version Information Use these commands to view version information about Salesforce CLI. sfdx plugins --core // Version of the CLI and all installed plug-ins sfdx --version // CLI version...
# See here for details: version: 2.1 description: "Orb to expose sfdx-cli commands as CircleCI commands" executors: sfdx-cli: docker: - image: salestrip/sfdx-cli commands: force-auth-jwt-grant: description: "Authorizes a Salesforce org us...
sfdxsfdx-cli UpdatedFeb 15, 2024 TypeScript tsalb/intro-to-lwc Star80 Hyper fast intro to LWC fundamentals to supplement the official LWC docs, Trailheads and MDN salesforcesalesforce-lightningsalesforce-developerssfdxlwclightning-web-components ...
VSCode install Salesforce CLI Tool Salesforce Extension Tools Please install the above tool. if you want to continue the below steps. I also suggest you take some time on thedocument. OAuth a Salesforce Org Because of the salesforce development is not on premises. Whatever you use the eclips...
使用Salesforce DX 使用未锁定的程序包 使用Salesforce DX安装DreamHouse 对于想要体验该应用程序和代码的开发人员,这是推荐的安装选项。 安装Salesforce DX。 在您的组织中启用Dev Hub或注册一个Dev Hub试用组织并安装Salesforce DX CLI。 请遵循《 或“ Trailhead模块进行中的说明。 克隆dreamhou点...