(SF-12)among adolescents in western rural areas of China. Methods Cluster sampling method was used to select 2 871 adoles-cents of grade 7 and grade 10 from two rural middle schools in Zizhong county,Sichuan province and a cross-sectionalquestionnaire survey was performed in November 2015. ...
SF12- V2量表(第二版本).PDF 下载积分:3000 内容提示: PATIENT ID UCLA PROSTATE CANCER INDEX Short Form (UCLA-PCI-SF), including the RAND 12-Item Health Survey v2 (SF-12 v2) Today’s Date: Month Day Year The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out about your health in general ...
All subjects answered the Chinese (Hong Kong) translation of the SF-36 and a structuredquestionnaireonsociodemographic data. Each subject was also asked to indicate whether he/she had ever been diagnosed by a doctor to have hypertension, diabetes melli 20、tus, heart disease, stroke, chronic ...
c SF-12 di?erently if they are presented as two independent stand-alone surveys instead of embedded items of a longer questionnaire. Chinese can be included in more clinical trials. Further research on the population speci?c SF-12 items in di?erent Chinese populations could provide interesting...
USdifferentiationmulti centerretrospectivestudy〔J〕.Radiology,2008;247(3):762 70 9郑冬梅,鹿宁,陈青,等 甲状腺结节的临床分析〔J〕.山东大学学报(医学版),2009;47(8):14 7 10WangN,XuY,GeC,etal.Associationofsonographicallydetectedcal cificationwiththyroidcarcinoma〔J〕.HeadNeck,2010;28(12):1077 83 ...
c SF-12 di?erently if they are presented as two independent stand-alone surveys instead of embedded items of a longer questionnaire. Chinese can be included in more clinical trials. Further research on the population speci?c SF-12 items in di?erent Chinese populations could provide interesting...
c SF-12 di?erently if they are presented as two independent stand-alone surveys instead of embedded items of a longer questionnaire. Chinese can be included in more clinical trials. Further research on the population speci?c SF-12 items in di?erent Chinese populations could provide interesting...