SF12- V2量表(第二版本).PDF 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: PATIENT ID UCLA PROSTATE CANCER INDEX Short Form (UCLA-PCI-SF), including the RAND 12-Item Health Survey v2 (SF-12 v2) Today’s Date: Month Day Year The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out about your health in general ...
showed that the e?ect size changes in scores measured by the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale were mostly between 0.3 and 0.5 in the treatment group [21]; and Wyrwich showed that the MID of the Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire scores corresponded to e?ect size changes of 0.34–0.37 [22...
MOS36-ItemShortFormSurveyInstrument(SF-36)(ArabicPDF) ScoringInstructionsforMOS36-ItemShortFormSurveyInstrument(SF-36) Chooseoneoptionforeachquestionnaireitem. 文档大全 实用标准文案 1.Ingeneral,wouldyousayyourhealthis: 1-Excellent 2-Verygood 3-Good 4-Fair 5-Poor 2.Comparedtooneyearago,how...
Population reference values of the Spanish version of the Health Questionnaire SF-36 Med Clin (Barc), 111 (1998), pp. 410-416 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 19 Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Encuesta Nacional de Salud. [consultado 10/1/2007]. Disponible en: http://www.ine.es/jaxi/men...
SF-12 component summary scores (eight subscales, PCS- 12, and MCS-12) were calculated using the SF-12 items that are embedded in the SF-36 [35]. This method has been presented as being equivalent to calculating the SF-12 as a stand-alone questionnaire [17]. All summary scores range ...
The guide was structured such that the participant would read and respond to one section of the FPI-SF at a time, with each completion followed by interview questions related to that section of the questionnaire. The interview guide was not used as a verbatim script; probes and questions ...
assessm ent in Thai p atientsw ith allergic rh inoconjunctivitis u sing the 效度是指量表在多大程度上反映它所测量的理 SF36 questionnaire ( Thai version) [ J ]. Rh inology, 2005 , 43 ( 2 ) : [ 7 - 8 ] 论性概念 ,本次研究结构效度采用主成分因子分 99 - 103. 析 ,根据 Kaiser提出...
Dix centres sur quatorze ont répondu au questionnaire. Ces réponses ont montré une grande hétérogénéité des pratiques : six centres ont intégré un inhibiteur de thyrosine kinase (ITK) (majoritairement le sorafénib) en prophylaxie des rechutes de leucémie aiguë myéloïde FLT3-IT...
SF-36 QUESTIONNAIRE SF-36 QUESTIONNAIRE ( 1992 -- Medical Outcomes Trust)Patient Name: ___ Date: ___ 1. In general, would you say your health is: (circle one)Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor 2. Compared to one year ago, how would you rate your health in general ...
To perform a cross‐cultural adaptation and validation of the Profile of Fatigue and Discomfort – Sicca Symptoms Inventory (short form) (PROFAD‐SSI‐SF) questionnaire assessing the subjective aspects of the symptoms of primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), for the Brazilian Portuguese language. Method...