Focuses on the increasing prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace. Laws prohibiting sexual harassment; Doubling of total monetary benefits awarded in sexual harassment cases handled by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Defining the issue; Legal challenges.Losey...
Have you been the victim of wrongful termination? Sexual Harassment Law Sexual Harassment in the workplace is a real concern for many employees. It is not simply someone being over sensitive. As a mater for fact, according to a 2003 study by the Sexual Harassment Education Project (SHEP), ...
Sexual harassment has been identified as a present barrier to the professional success of both men and women. Studies have shown that between 35% and 53% of working women have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work. In this discussion, we will delve into the realms of sexual hara...
Workplace sexual harassment in the United States is legally defined as a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that negatively...
Need an employment discrimination lawyer? Contact Phillips & Associates workplace discrimination and harassment attorneys in NY, PA, FL, NJ, and the nation.
Both state and federal laws protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. Federally, sexual harassment is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law acts as a baseline on which some states have enacted sexual harassment laws that are more robust. As the ...
This course provides detailed information on: sexual harassment in the workplace; prevention of sexual harassment; employer responsibilities, liability, and obligations; employee responsibilities; types of sexual harassment claims; behavior that is considered sexual harassment; the steps one should take if...
Sexual harassment in the workplace is usually associated with a heterosexual employee making unwelcome sexual advances to another heterosexual employee of the opposite gender. There are also cases where a homosexual employee harasses an employee of the same sex. But can a heterosexual employee sexuall...
Acting or threatening to act in a retaliatory mannerafter a negative response to sexual advances is another example of sexual harassment in the workplace. Changes in Sexual Harassment Laws in California California recognizes two broad types of sexual harassment –quid pro quoharassment and hostile wor...
One of the more perplexing issues in modern employment equity law is how the courts should respond to the charge of sexual harassment in the workplace. How can the courts distinguish between the mere presence of sexuality at work and an exploitation of sexuality that interferes with employment?