0539 Sawk 0540 Sewaddle Swadloon 0541 Type Bug Grass Weakness Fire Ice Poison Flying Bug Rock Height 0.3 m Category Sewing Pokémon Weight 2.5 kg Gender / Ability Swarm Chlorophyll Versions This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews upleaves and sews them with sticky thread...
The bumps on their heads are sensory organs. When Sewaddle meet, they greet each other by rubbing these bumps together.
The bumps on their heads are sensory organs. When Sewaddle meet, they greet each other by rubbing these bumps together.
基本宝可梦 HP50 绿叶回旋镖20x 投掷2次硬币,造成出现正面的次数×20点伤害。 弱点 ×2 抗性 撤退 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 SWSH89/264 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 ...
虫宝包 基本宝可梦 HP50 嚼草10 弃置对方出战宝可梦身上的一张能量卡。 弱点 ×2 抗性 撤退 汇流艺术Fusion Strike 9/264/Common 插图 Akira Komayama虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 SM11 6/236 虫宝包 虫宝包 虫宝包 ...
Sewaddle was one of the Pokemon that was a bit more difficult toencounter during Friendship Day. While Grass-type Pokemon was spawning all over the map, Sewaddle had a much lower spawn rate when compared to the rest. Although, this was a great way to obtain one for the very first time...
Sewaddle(蟲寶包)的編號為#540,主要屬性為bug(蟲),當前版本最佳攻擊組合配招為蟲咬(Bug Bite) + 種子炸彈(Seed Bomb),當前版本最佳防守組合配招為蟲之抵抗(Struggle Bug)+能量球(Energy Ball) 廣大寶友各種玩法無奇不有,僅供參考。 ATTACK 96 DEFENSE ...
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Austin Loves Gliscor, Sewaddle, and Icicile Hensley专辑:Songs of Love: Children's, Vol. 155流派:乡村 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Joshua Loves Crustle, Bunnelby, and Coca ColaHensley,Various Artists Trenton Loves Zoey 101, Rotating, and Electric CarsHensley Nicholas Loves...