This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews upleaves and sews them with sticky thread extrudedfrom its mouth.
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蟲寶包(Sewaddle)的圖鑑編號為#540,主要基礎屬性為bug(蟲),最佳攻擊技能招式的配招為蟲咬(Bug Bite)加種子炸彈(Seed Bomb),最佳防守技能招式的配招為蟲之抵抗(Struggle Bug)加能量球(Energy Ball)
Sewaddle was one of the Pokemon that was a bit more difficult toencounter during Friendship Day. While Grass-type Pokemon was spawning all over the map, Sewaddle had a much lower spawn rate when compared to the rest. Although, this was a great way to obtain one for the very first time...
Sankarit löytävät itsensä suuresta Pinwheel-metsästä, joka levittäytyy aina Castelia Cityyn asti, ja yrittävät pysyä polulla, jotta eivät eksyisi. Kaikki menee hyvin, kunnes he kohtaavat erään Sewaddlen. Sewaddlen ottelutaidot tekevät Ashiin vaikutuksen ...
同步硝化反硝化 se 宠物小精灵 Dedenne_0004_00000001(snd_se_pokemon_Dedenne_0004_00000001) 超级粉碎兄弟. 对于任天堂3DS(Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS) / 杂项(Miscellaneous) / 宠物小精灵(Pokemon) / 超级粉碎兄弟3DS(SuperSmashBros3DS) / 宠物小精灵(Pokemon) / 同步硝化反硝化 se 口袋妖怪 Dedenne...
Versions Sewaddle chews on leaves to make its clothing. It's trying to mimic the leafy garment Leavanny first dressed it in. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style This Pokémon does not have different form....
> Sewaddle chews on leaves to make its clothing. It’s trying to mimic the leafy garment Leavanny first dressed it in. Versions: Height1' 00" Weight5.5 lbs Gender CategorySewing Abilities Swarm Chlorophyll Type Bug Grass Weaknesses Fire ...