library(Seurat) install.packages("tidyverse") install.packages("patchwork") #添加线粒体信息 原因:线粒体含量特别高的话,可能细胞破裂或油包水的过程含多个细胞,会影响转录本的准确性 seob[["]]<-PercentageFeatureSet(seob, pattern="^MT-") 在seob文件中找全部带有MT-的基因 ###非必要 row...
make install #编译安装软件(开发环境),目录是你自己选的 #然后把这里路径下的bin加入到你的.bashrc之中,source .bashrc geos源码链接: 然后就可以在R里面试试install.packages('rgeos')了。 最后,rgeos安装成功后,就可以愉快地安装SeuratObject和Seurat,开始单细胞分析啦~...
Hi, I am currently trying to install Seurat v5 using the "remotes::install_github("satijalab/seurat", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE)" function and I get the following error across different versions of R/R Studio (currently running on R 4.1.2) : Error: Failed to install 'Seurat' from GitH...
对于Bioconductor包,你可以使用BiocManager::install()函数来安装: R BiocManager::install("包名") #将'包名'替换为实际的包名,如'Seurat'或'SingleCellExperiment' 3. 检查R环境和依赖包 如果重新安装后仍然无法加载包,检查你的R环境和所有依赖包是否完整且版本兼容。有时候,包的依赖项可能未正确安装或版本冲突...
Install this tool by default step by step. After installation, open /User/jiajia/.R/Makevars file and add below contents using mac terminal: 代码语言:txt 复制 #CC=/Users/shaol2/homebrew/Cellar/llvm/17.0.4/bin/clang-17 #CXX=/Users/shaol2/homebrew/Cellar/llvm/17.0.4/bin/clang++ ...
remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-object", "seurat5", quiet = TRUE) Error: Failed to install 'SeuratObject' from GitHub: System command 'R' failed, exit status: 1, stdout + stderr (last 10 lines): E> *** moving datasets to lazyload DB...
本节,我们演示了在Seurat对象、singlecellexper对象和anndata对象之间进行转换的能力。以建立Seurat与其他单细胞数据分析工具之间的链接。 # install scater install loomR from GitHub using the remotes package remotes::install_github...
Installation SeuratObject is available on CRAN install.packages("SeuratObject")About Resources Readme License Unknown, MIT licenses found Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases 4 tags Packages No packages publ...
BiocManager::install("TFBSTools",type="source",force=TRUE) If you're able to run the following snippet without raising errors, then the problem has been fixed: library(Matrix) colSums(m)TFBSTools::colSums(m) colSums(m) The issue was not triggered by any changes toAzimuthorSeuratdirectly — ...
Default branch change affecting remotes::install_github #216 opened Jul 31, 2024 by dcollins15 Bug (and fix) in LogSeuratCommand when called by Seurat IntegrateData #215 opened Jul 25, 2024 by jernest1 subset(features = ...) yields Error in .subscript.2ary(x, i, j, drop = TRU...