四.Template模块 模板文件存在主机变了,用普遍命令ansible方式个性化copy Agent2主机进行验收 编写一个简单的剧本,尝试使用 setup模块和hosts变量个性化copy包含变量的文件 创建tpl.j2脚本文件和template.yml剧本文件 编辑剧本文件template.yml 执行剧本文件template.yml,ansible-playbook 执行模块,会在远程主机生成相应模板文件。
使用setup获取ip地址以及主机名使用filter过滤等等 ip地址 [root@ansible ~]# ansible db -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_default_ipv4' db | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_default_ipv4": { "address": "", "alias": "eth0", "broadcast": "", "gateway": ...
ansible webserver-msetup # 返回信息 | SUCCESS=> { "ansible_facts": { "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [ "" ], "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [ "fe80::72c6:bd9a:7a8d:9650" ], "ansible_architecture":"x86_64", "ansible_bios_date":"07/02/2015", "ansib...
1、获取setup的所有信息,获取的信息有上百条: ansible all -m setup "ansible_facts": { "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [ "172.xx.xx.xxx" ], "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [ "fe8...
"module_setup": true }, "changed": false } 2、对查询的结果进行筛选: ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_*_mb' image.png 3、将每台主机的信息,分别存放到特定目录中,文件名为hosts文件中对应的别名或IP: ansible all -m setup --tree /tmp/facts ...
The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts. If the target host is Windows, you will not currently have the ability to usefilteras this is provided by a simpler implementation of the module. This module should be run with elevated privileges on BSD systems to ...
关于ansible的setup模块和gather_facts功能的介绍。 正文 1. setup模块 这个模块是ansible的自带模块,可以收集机器的一些信息。 1.1 用法 ansible host -m setup -a "filter=xxx", 此filter可以筛选关键词。 [root@vm1 ~]# ansible localhost -m setup ...
"module_setup": true }, "changed": false } 2、对查询的结果进行筛选: ansible all -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_*_mb' image.png 3、将每台主机的信息,分别存放到特定目录中,文件名为hosts文件中对应的别名或IP: ansible all -m setup --tree /tmp/facts image.png stat 4、获取文件的详细信息...
Issue Type: Bug Report Ansible Version: ansible 1.8 Environment: Suse Enterprice Linux Server 11 SP3 (SLES11SP3) 64 Bit Summary: I have found an issue in ansible 1.8: When I use setup module under Suse Enterprose Linux it brings be other...