Many other modules support the same options as theansible.builtin.filemodule - includingansible.builtin.copy,ansible.builtin.template, andansible.builtin.assemble. For Windows targets, use instead. Parameter
This module is a proxy for multiple more specific service manager modules (such asansible.builtin.systemdandansible.builtin.sysvinit). This allows management of a heterogeneous environment of machines without creating a specific task for each service manager. The module to be executed is determined ...模块用于管理周期性时间任务创建一个cron任务,不指定user的话,默认就是root。如果minute,hour,day,month,week不指定的话,默认都为* ansible group1 -m cron -a 'name="test cron1" user=root job="touch /tmp/111" minute...
Playbooks:任务剧本(任务集),编排定义 Ansible 任务集的配置文件,通常是 YML 文件。 Modules:执行命令的功能模块,多数为内置核心模块,也可自定义。 Plugins:模块功能的补充插件,不常用。 API:供第三方程序调用的应用程序编程接口。 管理方式: Ansible-Hoc:单条命令,主要用于临时命令使用场景。 Ansible-playbook:主要用...
概要命令模块 适合使用简单的命令(cat、ls) 无法支持”<”,”>”,”|”,”;”,”&”等符号官方文档: 参数 解释 chdir 在执行命令前,进入到指定目录中 creates 判断指定文件是否存在,如果存在,不执行后面的操作 removes 判断指...
官网文档 ansible builtin官方文档传送门: ansible posix官方文档传送门: __EOF__...
Without modules, you’d have to rely on ad-hoc commands and scripting to accomplish tasks. Ansible contains built-in modules that you can use to automate tasks, or you can write new ones on your own. Ansible modules can be written in any language that can return JSON, such as Ruby, Py...
Ansible offers a simple architecture that doesn’t require special software to be installed on nodes. It also provides a robust set of features and built-in modules which facilitate writing automation scripts. Ansible提供了一种简单的体系结构,不需要在节点上安装特殊软件。 它还提供了一组功能强大的功...
%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules 然后执行PS > Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate进行导入安装脚本 脚本安装完成以后就可以用啦,现在我们用Ansible查看一下 ansible windows -m win_shell -a "Get-WUList" 成功返回补丁信息就说明成功了,这个脚本不仅仅只有查看补丁列表的功能还有。。。 Add-WU...
ansible.builtin.command Ansible Version $ansible --versionansible [core 2.17.5]config file = Noneconfigured module search path = ['/home/user/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansibleansible collection...