Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> turn calm simmer down cool off cool it chill out calm down become quiet... roost stabilize stabilise settle root take root steady down become settle... sediment pose position set put place settle
Synonym: settleroottake rootsteady down 2. become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation e.g. After the fight both men need to cool off.It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again. Synonym: calmcalm downcool offchill outsimmer downcool it 3....
set down sit sit down touch down verbas inmarry Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches join wed Strong matches ally associate bond combine conjoin conjugate contract couple espouse knit land link match mate merge pledge promise relate ...
Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> make your hom... put down root... set up home in reside in inhabit move to agree arrange appoint fix confirm establish bring to an end draw to a close round off terminate dispose of decide defray ...
The meaning of SETTLE is to place so as to stay. How to use settle in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Settle.
Choose the Right Synonym forsettle decide,determine,settle,rule,resolvemean to come or cause to come to a conclusion. decideimplies previous consideration of a matter causing doubt, wavering, debate, or controversy. shedecidedto sell her house ...
1 : to become quiet, calm, or orderly Settle down, children. When things settle down here, I'll come for a visit. 2 : to begin to live a quiet and steady life
settle down settle down :Definition, Usages, News and More Search Words SearchBrowse You can search or browse for words From the Blog Interesting words in the English language English• July 11 For a Great Vocabulary, have a Healthy Heart!
1. become fixed (on) e.g. Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon Synonym: fixate近义词 临近词 fixate早期停止性的成熟...相关列句 When you settle on searches you find useful, you can scan the results for items you may want to check further.(当你搜到觉得有用的结果,你可以逐条浏...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> make your hom...put down root...set up home inreside ininhabitmove toagreearrangeappointfixconfirmestablishbring to an enddraw to a closeround offterminatedispose ofdecidedefraydischargesquare (up)clearpaypayset to rightsstraigh...