Present participle for to reduce the strength or intensity of “It is too early to tell if such aggressive measures willmutethe violence or stoke it.” Adjective ▲ Causing a loss of force, vitality, or enthusiasm Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences with...
What is another word forhammering out a deal? Needsynonyms for hammering out a deal? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts Present participle for to settle a dispute by mutual concession Present participle for to negotiate in order to reach an agreeme...
there’s no reason at all why someone shouldn’t have decided to use a cool damp sheet to keep them cool, much in the way that in the days before air conditioning, people would cool down during the summer heat by
It sketches the development of mathematics in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Ancient Greece, India, and the Islamic Empires, before leaping to Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and from there is fairly large steps down to the present day. Naturally, a lot gets left out that other au...
As I approached her, she flew to another window down the hall and looked outside longingly into the sunny day. One by one, I opened all the windows and screens in the hallway. It took only minutes for her to fly out, returning to her natural habitat.There you go!
The second is the apparent of both sides for confrontational methods of settling their differences.” 6. 一元化中央集权政府 英国是一个一元化的中央集权国家。地方政府有着一系列重要的职能,但它们都是中央政权的产物,其权力也没有得到宪法的保证(在类似的联邦系统中)。而且,他们在财政上也依赖于中央政府。
Fish for Nose around Pry into Peer into Check up on Check into Look over Look around Look round Look up and down Run down Shake down Take stock of Size up Get the measure of Take a look at View Regard See Spot-check Reconnaissance Espy Spelunk Dive into Leave no stone unturned Go off...
and its panorama – it takes about 90 minutes to get around; no, you can’t speed it up or slow it down or otherwise work the controls, we already asked – means that this will still be something of an “occasion” place for a lot of diners. Happily, the food lives up to the ...
“No, sit down.” He admired her enthusiasm. He’d also been like that when he was younger, but now — he looked around, his eyes finally resting on the food. “We have all we need tonight, Rubes. It’s been a big day for both of us, and there will be plenty of opportunities...
I am now coming to understand that my life purpose is unrolling my yoga mat; walking and running in nature; scribbling down my thoughts; singing my little heart out for the joy of it; taking pleasure in my work and the people I love, and all the many things that add up to the ...