SQLJDBCDriver(Version 6.2+) Each connection to SQL Server can use its own JAAS Login Configuration name to establish a Kerberos connection. The name of the configuration entry can be passed through this property. This property is intended for use whencreating a Kerberos configuration file. By def...
=urllib.parse.quote_plus("Driver={FreeTDS};Server=tcp:mydb.database.windows.net,1433;Database=<dbname>;Uid=<user>;Pwd=<pw>;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;")engine=create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s"%params)df.to_sql(con=engine,name='WorkOrders...
[c] The string uses the ODBC date escape clause. For more information, seeDate, Time, and Timestamp Literals. [d] Drivers must always check this value to see whether it is a special value, such as SQL_NULL_DATA. What a driver does with a parameter value at execution time is ...
When you try to set a connection attribute of an ODBC connection where connection pooling is enabled by using ODBC Driver API with Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver, you receive the following error message: IM006[Microsoft][ODBC Dri...
Connecting to Azure SQL database using access token via pre-connect connection attributes Is it possible to set pre-connect attributes on a connection using r odbc? I want to use Active Directory access token to connect to Azure SQL Data...
设置TSQLConnection 原文地址: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE2/en/Setting_Up_TSQLConnection Go Up toUsing dbExpress Components Index In order to describe a database connection in sufficient detail forTSQLConnectionto open a connection, you must identify both the driver to use and a...
With the above setups, all connections established are going to be SSL-encrypted with the client being authenticated in the SSL handshake process, and the server can now safely trust the client that is requesting a connection to it. For X-Protocol connections, the connection propertiesxdevapi.ss...
dsn=name_of_DSN,callinterface=ODBC,rpd=name_of_the_OBI_Repository_file_to_be_deployed_on_this_Oracle_BI_Presentation_Server,ver=11g If you are using OCI10g and OBIEE 10g: dsn=tns_name_of_source_LSH_database_server,callinterface=OCI10G,rpd=name_of_the_OBI_Repository_file_to_be_deployed...
Use the TT_REPLICATION_TRACK ODBC connection option for the SQLSetConnectOption ODBC function. Use the setReplicationTrack() method of the TimesTenConnection JDBC class. For more information about these methods of setting the ReplicationTrack general connection attribute, see: "ReplicationTrack" in Ora...
ConnectionStatusHandler function (Windows) UserName (Windows) operator __m128i method (Windows) Intersects(XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR, XMVECTOR) method (Windows) XMBYTE4.operator = method (Windows) CellularClass (Windows) MmsConfiguration (Windows) ITablet::GetCursor method (...