Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};server=localhost;database=WideWorldImporters;trusted_connection=Yes; 在“选择数据源”页或“选择目标”页上的“ConnectionString”字段中输入连接字符串。 输入连接字符串后,向导会分析该字符串,并在列表中显示各个属性及其值。
我们可以用序列图来表示。 SQL ServerODBC DriverUserSQL ServerODBC DriverUser发送连接请求发送验证请求返回验证结果返回连接状态 在这个过程中,用到的Makefile示例代码如下: all:test_connectiontest_connection:@echo"Testing connection to SQL Server"odbc_connection_test.exe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 参数调优 连接到...
Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed during the post-login phase. The connection could have timed out while waiting for server to complete the login process and respond; Or it could have timed out while attempting to create multiple active connections. The duration spent while a...
private void buttonConnectToSqlServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //DSN:mylink数据源的名称 UID:sql server登录时的身份sa PWD:登录时的密码123456 //生成连接数据库字符串 string ConStr = "DSN=mylink;UID=sa;PWD=123456"; //定义SqlConnection对象实例 OdbcConnection odbcCon = new Odbc...
呼叫SQLConnect 以使用現有的數據源連線到 SQL Server。 Or 呼叫SQLDriverConnect 以使用 連接字串 連線到 SQL Server。 最低完整的 SQL Server 連接字串 有兩種形式之一: 複製 DSN=dsn_name;Trusted_connection=yes; DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};SERVER=server;Trusted_co...
cn= new OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Server};Server=mySQLServer;UID=sa; PWD=myPassword;Database=Northwind;"); cmd=new OdbcCommand(MyString,cn); cn.Open(); MessageBox.Show("Connected"); cn.Close(); } How To Use the ODBC .NET Managed Provider in Visual C# .NET and Connection Strings ...
username_database— insert thename of the SQL server databaseto be used mssql.database.servername.tld— insert thehostname or IP address of the serverto connect to 1433— insert the port that you'll use for the MSSQL connection; change this number only if your default port isn’t1433 ...
13QSqlDatabase myDB = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");//连接到ODBC驱动14QString dsn = QString("Driver={SQL Server};Server=%1;Database=%2;Trusted_Connection=yes").arg(serverName).arg(dbName);15myDB.setDatabaseName(dsn);16if({18printf("connect to server ...
We can connect to the server directly so the hostname and network are ok. Connecting via proxy does work for other databases.Connecting directly:connection = pyodbc.connect( driver="ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server", server=os.environ["DB_HOST"], port=int(os.environ["DB_PORT"]), dat...
名称13QSqlDatabase myDB=QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");//连接到ODBC驱动14QString dsn=QString("Driver={SQL Server};Server=%1;Database=%2;Trusted_Connection=yes").arg(serverName).arg(dbName);15myDB.setDatabaseName(dsn);16if({18printf("connect to server successfully...