Here is an extract of my vba codes: Dim dtToday As Date Dim CurrTime As String Dim Rng As Range dtToday = Date() 'today date CurrTime = Time() 'current time Rng.Offset(1).Value = Format(DateValue(dtToday), "m/d/yyyy") & " " & _ Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(CurrTim...
Range("A1").Select Set rngPrint = Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) 'This was the Ctrl-End ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = rngPrint.Address LonnieCurrier In this case, you need to create a variable (I've named mine rngPrint) and assign the end of the active cells to ...
DateRange DayOfWeek DefaultAfnStripBinding DefaultGroupDeliveryPreference DefinitionEnvironmentReference DefinitionQuality DefinitionQueryOrder DefinitionQueueStatus DefinitionReference DefinitionResourceReference DefinitionTriggerType DefinitionType DeleteOptions DeleteTestRunRequest DeliveryViewData DeliveryViewPropertyCollection ...
IndexOutOfRangeException: Worksheet position out of range. using EpPlus Inherited AppSettings.jsons with ASP.NET Core Inject dbcontext in IHostedService Inline editing data table. core Input checkbox not passing its Model Value to the controller if I make disabled using or condition input...
DateRange DayOfWeek DefaultAfnStripBinding DefaultGroupDeliveryPreference DefinitionEnvironmentReference DefinitionQuality DefinitionQueryOrder DefinitionQueueStatus DefinitionReference DefinitionResourceReference DefinitionTriggerType DefinitionType DeleteOptions DeleteTestRunRequest DeliveryViewData DeliveryViewPropertyCollection ...
StatusCodesRangeBasedTriggerOutput StatusOutput StorageMigrationOptions StorageMigrationOptionsOutput StorageMigrationOptionsProperties StorageMigrationOptionsPropertiesOutput StorageMigrationResponse StorageMigrationResponseOutput StorageMigrationResponseProperties StorageMigrationResponsePropertiesOutput StringDictionary...
Excel Range in VBA SQL Query Where clause - Range like ('xx','xx','xx','xx') Excel Refresh() From Powershell Excel remains open even after calling Application.Quit method Excel Request Format Cells: Fill Pattern Style Additions? Excel Row Heights ...
LOCAL TIME OFFSET ===> 0__ Specify local time offset in minutes. The value must be in the range 0 to 1439. TIME OFFSET SIGN ===> + Specify - if local time is before ZWS. Specify + if local time is after ZWS. CALENDAR ID ===> ___ Default calendar identification DATE-FORMAT...
Range("A1").Select Set rngPrint = Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) 'This was the Ctrl-End ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = rngPrint.Address LonnieCurrier In this case, you need to create a variable (I've named mine rngPrint) and assign the end of the active cells to ...
Finally, I wrote some VBA code to do the same thing as what was being done in C# to verify that the resulting created VARIANT was the same:Public Sub test()Dim r As RangeSet r = Me.Range("C2", "C4")Dim a(0 To 2, 0 To 0) As Variant...