vArray=Range("A1:C10000").Value2 'read all the values at once from the Excel cells,put into an array For iRow=LBound(vArray,1)ToUBound(vArray,1)For iCol=LBound(vArray,2)ToUBound(vArray,2)dValue=vArray(iRow,iCol)If dValue>0Then dValue=dValue*dValue 'Change the valuesinthe array,...
Dim rngDelete As range 'Freeze screen Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Insert dummy row for dummy field name Rows(1).Insert 'Insert dummy field name range("C1").value = "Temp" With ActiveSheet .UsedRange lLastRow = .cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).row Set rng = range("C1", cells(...
Dim myRange As Range Dim myCell As Range Set myRange = Selection For Each myCell In myRange If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myRange, myCell.Value) > 1 Then myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 End If Next myCell End Sub 此宏将检查您选择的每个单元格并突出显示重复值。您还可以更改代码中的颜色。
DimColTaxAsVariant' Application.Match can return an error, so must be a VariantColTax = Application.Match("Tax", Sheets("DATA").Rows(1),0)IfIsError(ColTax)Then' The match failed, so ColTax is an error, not the column numberExitSubEndIfWithSheets("Data")Setrng = .Range(.Cells(3, ...
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 5)) = MyArray End Sub 4. 指定Column的宽度 Sub colDemo() ActiveCell.ColumnWidth = 20 End Sub 又如Range("C1").ColumnWidth = Range("A1").ColumnWidth 5. 清除Columns的内容 Sub clear() Columns.clear ...
Set ws1 = Workbooks(name).Sheets("sheet1") h = ws1.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row l = ws1.Range("a1").End(xlToRight).Column '读取汇总表的行数 Workbooks("汇总表.xls").Activate n = Workbooks("汇总表.xls").Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row ...
Sub 绝对模式() ' ' 绝对模式 Macro ' ' Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第一季度" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第二季度" Range("C1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第三季度" Range("D1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "第四季度" Range("A1")....
Dim targetColumnsAsCollection,targetRows As CollectionSettargetColumns=ParseRangeInput(colInput,True)SettargetRows=ParseRangeInput(rowInput,False)If targetColumns.Count=0Or targetRows.Count=0Then MsgBox"输入参数无效",vbExclamation Exit Sub End If ...
2. 使用VBA进行单元格复制粘贴的一个例子 Public Sub CopyAreas() Dim aRange As Range Dim Destination As Range Set Destination = Worksheets( " Sheet3 " ).Range( " A1 " ) For Each aRange In Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).Areas aRange.Copy Destination: = Destination Set ...
Range(Cells(i, t), Cells(i + 6, t + 1)).SelectWith Selection.Interior.Color = 65535End WithEnd IfNextNextEnd Sub qianboccp E览无余 11 香格里拉 博采众E 6 qianboccp E览无余 11 Sub ccc()Dim arr, b As RangeSet arr = Selectionn = 0For Each cell In arrn = n + 1Next...