And anything that you're probably doing in vmargin is something you could do with geometry. Remove vmargin and everything works fine for me. Here's my minimal example. \documentclass[10pt, twoside, backref=page, bookmarks, urlcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, linkcolor=blue, colorlinks, hyperfi...
to get the first line of every entry to be indented by 2em relative to any further lines. The amount of indentation of the remaining lines with respect to the left hand edge of the text block is governed by \bibleftmargin. How to modify some of these parameters is explained in the man...
Generate a DOCX/ODT template Change the page size in that template Pass the template to thereference-docYAML option Set the YAML optionpage-widthequal topage width - left margin - right margin(in inches) Is that right? Can we document that process? I fell thepage-widthYAML option must be...
_math_single_backslash --output main[exported].tex --template /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5.1-MRO/Resources/library/rmarkdown/rmd/latex/default- --highlight-style tango --latex-engine pdflatex --variable graphics=yes --variable 'geometry:margin=1in' --variable '...
Contribution Title. Begin the contribution title in the top left-hand corner of the print area. Please make sensible, logical line breaks in long titles and do not stretch them to the right margin. After the title leave 1 cm and type the names and addresses of the authors. The actual ...
(leading) Reduction Setting A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) 170 mm x 252 mm 15 mm top margin and 15 mm inside edge-margin 10 point (pica points) in Times Roman or similar font 15 point bold font 12 point bold font 10 point bold font 2 points (pica) 1:1 2 Entering the Text Contribution ...
from pylatex import Command, Document, Section geometry_options = {"tmargin": "0.5in", "lmargin": "0in", "bmargin": "0.5in", "rmargin": "0in"} doc = Document(geometry_options=geometry_options, fontenc='T1') with doc.create(Section('Section1')) as Sect1: Sect1.append('some ...
I've also tried moving leftmargin before the \begin{trivlist}, like so: \newenvironment{subq}[1]{\setlength\leftmargin{10cm} \begin{trivlist} \item[{\bfseries #1.}]} {\end{trivlist}} and that gives me exactly the same output. Any suggestions? environments indentation Share Improve...
\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.1in, label={}]} 1. Primary problem:Butnow the date-fields are NOT right-aligned. 2. Secondary problem:Also, notice that the subsequent itemize blocks arepushed down from Section-heading with more white-space than before.How ...
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % Set 1-inch margins on all sides \usepackage{amsmath} % For math formatting \usepackage{fontspec} \begin{document} \setmainfont{Arial} \title{HeMan Calculations and Error Propagation} \author{ohshitgorillas, Ph.D.} ...