It can be installed using instructions given here. Getting Help If you have any difficulties with pandoc-latex-margin, please feel welcome to file an issue on github so that we can help.AboutA pandoc filter for changing margins in LaTeX ...
I'm writing a one-sided book-type document using memoir and would like to change the size of the side margins for a few pages midway through. I have tried using the \setlrmarginsandblock command but it doesn't behave as I expect (and since I need to change the margins for more than...
1 Changing default margins in template Hot Network Questions 6 Sided Cross Burr Puzzle Please explain understand this interaction in Patriot Games If a nuclear war occured on Earth, what evidence could a Martian astronaut see? What happened to my croissant dough when I left it in the fr...
The margins still need to be dealt with via geometry. As @tohecz suggested in his comment, using several columns might be helpful, as a really long line in tiny script won't be pleasant to read. Either use the twocolumn document class option or the multicol package. Share Improve this a...
I'd like to be able to change (in particular, make smaller) the width of my table of contents in the article document class without altering the margins of the page. Is this possible?? table-of-contents Share Improve this question Follow asked Dec 1, 2010 at 16:21 Kristen 5,12399...
Removing page footer and changing the page header in KOMA-SCRIPT chapters? 103 Why should I *not* use the KOMA-Script classes? 5 How to Specify Intermediate Font Sizes in Koma-Script? 4 Changing the font size in koma-script modifies page margins 2 changing the font in KOMA class...